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Majora's Mask Does Majora or Termina Deserve a Return? - PLEASE READ OP


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
In a 3DS thread about MM i said this:
I think MM 3DS is a good chance to make it a full 7 or 8 dungeon game instead of four regions meaning not a 3DS game at all, if majora returns "IT" deserves to be on a console. I like the idea. if your gonna remake it, Fine. But i think its a way to make majoras mask a Bad *** game (more than it is) and give it the development time it deserves. Instead of "okay put this out in a year and you dont have to make "Ura Zelda"

If they can do that in a year, imagine what they can due with a full true funded Majora's Mask Game and Development Cycle! I know you just want a remake of the original, but you are also the ones saying they are ready for something new or maybe hating on the fact the ALttP era was returned too!

What do you think, do you think Majora, Or Termina for that matter has the right to return, would you like for Majora to get a full Game, or would you rather just it be a return to Termina?

If you disagree, please have a better answer than "Majora/Termina, is a one time thing" thats all been said before... even about characters who have returned is some shape or form.

So have fun guys What do you think?:foursword:


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I don't mind Termina returning so much...except it doesn't feel like there's enough room for it. The world was too small and didn't have a lot of history to expand.

Majora? No. He is the weakest villain of the series. He has no character whatsoever and is more generic than Ganondorf of the original title. Not to mention he's completely eradicated and physically can't return.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I don't really see Termina returning, to be honest. Termina is an alternate dimension to Ocarina of Time's Hyrule, only accessed by Link by pure coincidence. He got lost in the woods and somehow ended up in a different dimension.

I can't see Majora returning, either. Although one of my personal favourite boss fights in the series, I didn't really like Majora as a villain. Now, boss fight and villain are underlined because they are two very different things. I really like Zant as a villain, but I'm not really a fan of his battle. The opposite is said for Majora. I really wouldn't want to see him again.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Termina deserves to return, yes, but I don't want it to. That story was wrapped up, touching it further will just aid in convoluting the story. There'll be some weak storyline to bring it back and we don't want that. People need to learn when something's ready to die, be it a character, a story, a setting, or even a joke. There's many gaming franchises out there now that have tried to get so much out of one thing that they've jumped the shark a bit and are just convoluted up the wazoo.

So, yeah, let Termina just rest, and let us remember it fondly. :)


Jul 1, 2012
Termina deserves a return in my opinion, Majora's Mask is my second favorite Zelda game and it's not lie that one of the reasons was the sheer uniqueness that the game had compared to its counterparts. The land of Termina was much the reason for this, not so much the overworld but the idea that it was a "new" world was just a really interesting concept that is rarely seen in the series.

We usually see the familiar world of Hyrule with a lot of reoccurring locations however Termina put a twist on this with creating an alternate world that had similar characters, locations, itmes etc. however it put a twist that made everything feel fresh as well as keeping that familiar aspect. The idea that Termina brings is just so intriguing and it has unlimited possibilities. Termina has its own way of life, its own law and it's own mythology making things very interesting to a person who is interested in the lore of the series like myself.

I really love this idea of freedom to explore and even though Zelda has this freedom but sometimes it's bound to some constrictions, however Termina can explore so many new ideas that it would be similar to leave it alone or to use the idea of more "Alternate Worlds". Focusing on Termina alone though I think it would be interesting to delve deeper into the lore, I mean everything within its mythology is barley touched upon...

- Just what exactly are the Four Giants
- The battle of Majora and the Fierce Diety
- A possible link between Link and the Fierce Diety
- The heritage of Ikana Kingdom
- The Goddess of Time
- The mystery of Stone Tower and so on...

There are some many things to explore and I could think of some interesting themes and ideas for possible plot points if it were to return. However, i don't think it will return but more Alternate Worlds that bring in new themes and mythology are welcome in my opinion.
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The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I'm not big on major concepts such as bosses/villains or locations consistently recurring in separate installments. One game is enough. If anything, MM should be remade.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
- Just what exactly are the Four Giants

Four Giant Guardians.

- The battle of Majora and the Fierce Diety

What are you talking about?

- A possible link between Link and the Fierce Diety

Where did you get the idea there was a link?

- The heritage of Ikana Kingdom

What about it? Also they're dead, so I don't see us exploring it even if there was a sequel.

- The Goddess of Time

Hmmm...fair point...but is she a Hyrule goddess too?

- The mystery of Stone Tower and so on...

What mystery?
Apr 16, 2010
I don't really see what they could do with Majora or Termina that could be expanded into a whole new game. It would just feel forced - not a good decision. Nintendo needs new ideas for Zelda more than anything.


Jun 19, 2010
No. I don't see many possibilities for it, and we have enough talk about remakes and returns as it is. Just do something new gawshdarnit.


An avid Blue
Apr 30, 2013
North Carolina
I like the land of Termina a lot. It's small but holds quite a bit of value in what can be done and what exploration is available. If there was a way they could connect Termina and Hyrule into one game, THEN and ONLY THEN would I say that it should be revisited. There isn't much more that can be done with Termina by itself. But if we were to get a full explanation of the link between Hyrule and Termina and how that link can be accessed, etc. then something great could blossom out of that.

As far as Majora goes, I don't think it's possible for her to make a comeback. The villain of a combined Hyrule/Termina game would have to be either completely new or Ganondorf.


Flamey-o, Hotman!
Aug 29, 2011
Halfway There
I can't see it returning . . . I mean, is there any story left to tell?? If you're gonna make a new game with a new villain and a new story and new mechanics, then the only link it has with Termina is the fact that it's named Termina. As for Majora . . . well Majora is the same. There's nothing left to tell. The game had this closed ending that didn't leave anything hanging, no room for a new game. There is just nothing left to make a game out of with either of them, so there's really no reason for them to return. As amazing as the game was, it wasn't this epic never-ending battle against evil that takes place through generations. It was just a simple story of a boy who made a lot of people happy. The End. And it is the end, there's none of this "The reincarnation of my hatred will haunt you for the rest of time! MUAHAHAHAHAAA!!" stuff.


Jul 1, 2012
[ilQUOTE=DarkestLink]Four Giant Guardians.[/ilquote]
The general background of them, how they came to be known as "gods".

[ilquote=DarkestLink]What are you talking about?[/ilquote]
I think it's pretty clear what I'm on about :/ The whole idea of two god like deities fighting it, why they were initially battling it out and the general background of them.

[ilquote=DarkestLink]Where did you get the idea there was a link?[/ilquote]
Just a thing I've been thinking about, but of course "theorising" is bad in your books right?

[ilquote=DarkestLink] What about it? Also they're dead, so I don't see us exploring it even if there was a sequel.[/ilquote]
Exactly lol they're dead... We see them now as being dead and forgotten, a plot point could feature them as a once thriving civilization and to what was their significance within the world of Termina etcetera.

[ilquote=DarkestLink]Hmmm...fair point...but is she a Hyrule goddess too?[/ilquote]
Well this is also a part of the mystery as if the two are connected the it would mean that at some point in time that Termina was very much apart of Hyrule.

[ilquote=DarkestLink] What mystery?[/ilQUOTE]
The symbols, it's significance of worship within Termina, the symbols of Majora clearly evident in the temple and so on.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
I'm not big on major concepts such as bosses/villains or locations consistently recurring in separate installments. One game is enough. If anything, MM should be remade.

This is exactly what i was talking about, what if it had all the content that was in the original game! would you not except the world be expanded, i know its change, but if it had more than a N/E/S/W dungeon set up. are you against having more dungeons. I dont see the point in making a game, just to upgrade graphics. If you dont thing you can make the game better than you did the first time other than make it more pretty, what other reason than Fan Nostalgia and MONEY do you have to remake a game and sell it again at full price like it were new! IDK maybe its just me, but sounds CHEAP!


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
The general background of them, how they came to be known as "gods".

Same way as Din, Nayru, and Farore...they fulfilled a god-like role.

I think it's pretty clear what I'm on about :/ The whole idea of two god like deities fighting it, why they were initially battling it out and the general background of them.

You're talking about a potential past fight...but where do you get the idea this happened? How do you even know the Fierce Deity was a person?

Just a thing I've been thinking about, but of course "theorising" is bad in your books right?

Somewhat. But it's really impractical to assume Nintendo has paid as much attention to the game's story and details as you have.

Exactly lol they're dead... We see them now as being dead and forgotten, a plot point could feature them as a once thriving civilization and to what was their significance within the world of Termina etcetera.

Oh wait, is this a prequel now?

The symbols, it's significance of worship within Termina, the symbols of Majora clearly evident in the temple and so on.

Ahhh...I always thought they were "just there" sorta like the Majora symbols on the balloons and the blocks as well as the Gerudo symbols on the blocks in the OoT dungeon.


Jul 1, 2012
DarkestLink said:
Somewhat. But it's really impractical to assume Nintendo has paid as much attention to the game's story and details as you have.
I'll go off this quote as replying to the others would end up in a pointless discussion...

All of what I said was "my" thoughts of what Nintendo could possibly explore when revisiting Termina, key word being "my". I even said in my reply that it is unlikely that Nintendo will revisit Termina again however this is a thread to speculate on the possibility that it would happen. I did in no way acknowledge that Nintendo would do this I am merely pointing out the amount of possibilities that revisiting Termina could create. Now this isn't a theory thread so I won't go into details on where possible plot points could go with the points I made.

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