Secret of the Ring Ruins

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Secret of the Ring Ruins
Secret of the Ring Ruins - TotK.jpg





Speak with Paya & Tauro at Kakariko Village


Reach Dragonhead Island in the Thunderhead Isles and interact with Mineru's mask




Secret of the Ring Ruins is a Main Quest found in Tears of the Kingdom


In Kakariko Village, Paya, who is shown as the new chief, is investigating the Ring Ruin floating above the village. Alongside the chief, is the Zonai Survey Team's leader, Tauro, who is contemplating how to get inside the ring to find a stone tablet matching the one in the other four. However, they are stymied by an order from "Princess Zelda" not to touch the floating Ruin, and Calip prevents Link from getting close.

After finding the "Zelda" who gave the orders was a puppet of Ganondorf, Link explains this to Paya and Tauro. Excited, they realise the order was never valid, but are not sure how to get in non-destructively. Using Ascend, Link finds his way in, and with a picture of the tablet goes back to the ground and shows it to the team. After deciphering the tablet's writing, they are lead to the Dracozu Lake in the Faron region.

A mural on a wall inside one of the ruins near the lake's head reveals information regarding an outfit, and putting a Zonai Charge on a shrine as a sort of tradition. Link picks up the Charged Shirt from a Zonai treasure chest in the room with the mural, and Charged Trousers & Charged Headdress in two similar rooms blocked by sediment and vines, respectively, along the winding river. Upon arrival at the ruins at the dragon river's tail, he wears the Charged Set, then places the Zonai Charge on the altar. The ruins begin to react, with eyes of various dragon statues beginning to glow green with thunder rods raising from the statues. Lightning strikes them, and it clears up the heavy storm above the region, which was once obscuring a series of sky islands in the shape of a dragon known as Thunderhead Isles.

When Link makes his way up to the islands, which still has stormy weather, he must go from island to island using Ascend, defeating numerous enemies along the way including a Flux Construct III. At the end of the path, he finds a Shrine of Light, as well as a Zonai-style mask. Touching the mask, he hears a voice of a woman calling out to him referring to him as the "Chosen protector of Zelda" and the mask fires a green beam of light towards the ground for Link to follow, ending the quest to pick up with the Guidance from Ages Past quest.


The quest branches off of the Find the Fifth Sage quest, requiring completion through the story up to said point including the first four dungeons.

Note that this quest itself is not required in order to do Guidance from Ages Past and ultimately obtain the Vow of Mineru, Sage of Spirit - the stormclouds make it harder to reach Mineru's mask on Dragonhead Island, but do not prevent it. If Guidance from Ages Past is completed before the storm clouds over the Thunderhead Isles are dispelled, Secret of the Ring Ruins will complete as soon as this happens.


TODO: Full walkthrough

Adventure Log

Step Description
After you told Paya and Tauro about the false Princess Zelda, they began exploring the Ring Ruin previously forbidden by the impostor. They believe there is a stone slab carved with Zonai writing inside. Entering the site and investigating the slab will assist their research.
You deciphered the Zonai text carved in the stone slab inside the Ring Ruin. Tauro and his colleague are following a lead to the Zonai Ruins in balmy Faron in the southeast. They're gathering at the Skyview Tower near the ruins.
You traveled to the Skyview Tower in the Popla Foothills. Calip, who industriously assembled the team's base of operations, informed you that Tauro planned to start investigating the Zonai Ruins to the southeast by Dracozu Lake.
You reunited with Tauro in ruins presided over by stone dragon statues. Tauro deciphered the code found on an ancient mural in the ruins: Wear the electric garb hidden at long-necked dragons along the wide-mouthed forest serpent. Offer a Zonai charge to the altar at the tail.
You donned the charged attire found in the dragon-pillar ruins and offered a Zonai charge at the altar. A fork of lightning heralded the appearance of a new sky island.
You opened the door on Dragonhead Island. Inside, you discovered what appears to be a Zonai relic on a pedestal in the center of the chamber.
The floor of the chamber on Dragonhead Island opened when you touched the relic. After the relic fired a beam of green light to the ground, you heard a mysterious voice in your head: "Link... Chosen protector of Zelda... Take this... Follow the light..."

