
Joined June 16, 2012
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== '''Fun Facts''' ==
== '''Fun Facts''' ==
RedDekuScrub was given the nick-name "The Alpha Scrub" by Zelda Dungeon staff member, Caleb Simpson and is sometimes referred to by that name. <br>
RedDekuScrub was given the nick-name "The Alpha Scrub" by Zelda Dungeon staff member, Caleb Simpson and is sometimes referred to by that name. <br>
RedDekuScrub is Head Moderator of the Zelda Dungeon Twitch Streams <Br>
RedDekuScrub is often though to be part of the Official Zelda Dungeon Staff <br>
RedDekuScrub is often though to be part of the Official Zelda Dungeon Staff <br>
RedDekuScrub enjoys giving warnings before giving out time-outs or bans. This is due to his belief that "We are all here to have some fun." <br>
RedDekuScrub enjoys giving warnings before giving out time-outs or bans. This is due to his belief that "We are all here to have some fun." <br>
RedDekuScrub is much more lax with the rules after midnight. <br>
RedDekuScrub is much more lax with the rules after midnight. <br>
RedDekuScrub has thought very hard about applying for a position in the "Official Staff" at Zelda Dungeon, but is hesitant for if he were inducted into the "official Staff" he would want to be dedicated to the position, which would be difficult at the present. <br>
RedDekuScrub has thought very hard about applying for a position in the "Official Staff" at Zelda Dungeon, but is hesitant for if he were inducted into the "official Staff" he would want to be dedicated to the position, which would be difficult at the present. <br>
