Blue Wisp

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Blue Wisp




Blue Wisp is an enemy from The Minish Cap and one of the variants of the Wisp, along with the Red Wisp.[1]

The Minish Cap

A Blue Wisp is a skull that is surrounded by small blue flames. It moves very rapidly around the room and if it gets close enough, will attach itself onto Link. This will put a Curse on Link, making him unable to use his Sword, or any other item for 10-seconds. After that duration is over, the curse will be lifted and unlike the Red Wisp, the Blue Wisp will disappear. However, if Link leaves the room and re-enters it, the Blue Wisp will reappear.

Link is able to defeat a Blue Wisp by sucking it in with a Gust Jar. Alternatively, he can toss a Boomerang at it or shoot it with an Arrow.

109 Wisp
Figurine Wisp (TMC).gif Appears in dungeons. They float midair. They won't hurt you, but if you touch, they won't be able to use your sword for a while.

