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Hey I saw that you popped in - I hope you've been doing well!
Hello, hello!

Things have been going all right lately, if not a bit uneventful, especially in the last couple of weeks. I hope things have been solid for you as well!
Mido! I see you logged in today after so long. Hope all is well on your end.
A Link In Time
A Link In Time
So what have you been doing in your life?
Academia, as it would happen. :D I've been teaching high school writing during the year with a splash of other odd jobs thrown in during the summer, this one perhaps being more eventful than the last summer.
A Link In Time
A Link In Time
For some reason I now have a mental image of you selling ice cream during the summer while you wait for school to resume.
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If, come the future, my page is covered in post history and various hijinks, then know now that you have reached The End. You have delved too greedily and too deep.
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