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Hi bro! How ya doin' bro? you're my friend bro.
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I have actually been pretty well. My ankle is feeling much better, and life is vibin'. How have you been doin'. What have you been up to?
Please don't beat me up for my shenaigans.

I'm doin alright I suppose, back in the Survivor Grind.
You are absolutely fine bro, you are here for a good time, jut like everyone else.
Happy Birthday!

Never stop mimicing:
How I honestly feel with disagreements. To anyone: if we have a disagreement, I don't think less of you as a person, but when you resort to this, I feel it's a betrayal of respect.

When my boundaries are disrespected like this, yeah, I can get impulsively riled up and react, but even when I do I never wish harm or malice on anyone. I won't be a doormat though, if you disrespected a boundary with me, I'll insist on it being respected, and this is where I can get pretty bull-headed.

Just be respectful, don't always assume someone is acting or arguing in bad faith unless and until they do.

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