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ZD Writing Competition Round 19 - Voting

Which entry was your favorite?

  • Entry #1

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Entry #2

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Entry #3

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Welcome to the voting round for the penultimate writing competition of the year. This round's theme was Self-Disclosure. I received three entries this time around, which is a good sign for increasing activity of the competition. Feel free to read the entries in the spoiler tag down below and vote for your favorite in the poll above.


This was a secret I planned to keep from everyone. Something so deep within me, that if I were to express it, it could change everything. How people look at me. How people think of me. I discovered this when I was 4 years old. But, today was the day I was ready to tell my parents who were missing for 16 years.

My parents were missing because they were kidnapped. This happened when I was 4, just after I discovered my secret. I was going to tell them but it was too late. My parents were kidnapped by scientists believe it or not, they weren't criminals. These scientists and doctors studied SCP's and the paranormal and supernatural. They told my parents they detected a suspicious being located in our home. They didn't take me away because they thought I was too young to behold something like this. They were studied for so long because this being was so strong and didn't leave the home unless I or my sister did. They almost arrested my parents for being under suspicion of beholding such a rare being, but this was dropped due to not enough evidence. They came back last week, telling me this story at 3am. I knew it was my fault they went through this, so I planned on telling them today. So here I am, facing them in the eyes. Only the clock ticking was filling the room with noise. Along with my anxious and heavy breathing. My words spilled out of my mouth.

"I don't know how to tell you this...but I'm different in a way no one can describe. I have an entity attached to me. An entity is something that exists as itself, it acts like a ghost but it's not evil. I don't know how it got there or where it came from, but...it's there. It's an entity for definite. It makes up who I am, it is my second body, my soul. It's just on the outside that communicates by moving things, almost like Matilda. I named my entity Grey. It won't hurt you. Just don't think I'm crazy."

The colour drained from their faces.
"You should of told us no matter how young you were." My mother said.

"You know what I'm like mum, I either stay inside all day or leave the house and never come back. Sleep for 12 hours or have insomniac nights. Shout out my secrets or don't say a word for days. I didn't know what Grey is. I never did."

Entry #2

The year was 2008, there was no sun in the the October sky above the city of Cleveland. As the morning frost crept upon the cars parked, and people were about their business, a murder trail was happening. Judge Maria Sanchez sits high upon her chair and the courtroom is silent, watching the defendant. He sits there, with his head hung low.

"Mr.John, before sentencing, tell the courtroom what went through your mind that night." Says the Judge.
The man looks up and around the courtroom, taking his time, he's in no rush. He leans in to the microphone and begins to speak, "That morning, I got a call from the bank, they said they were foreclosing my house." He exhales on the microphone. "I had lost my job, I was desperate, so I decided to try and rob someone. I took my grandfather's pistol and waited in an alleyway for someone to come by. Then a man with a nice coat passed by me, I figured he must've had some money. I pointed the gun at him and told him to give everything to me. I was so nervous, I remember seeing my hand, it was shaking. He told me he didn't have any money, that he was poor. I don't what happened next, but the gun went off, I couldn't even feel my hand. Then I just ran, I ran to wake up. I ran from my reality, I ran till I couldn't feel my face. The police found me sitting outside a store. And when they asked me why I ran, that's uhh, when my reality caught up to me." He looked back down, and hung his head.

Then he begged. Begged harder than he ever did. Not to the judge or the jury, but to the weeping woman in the audience. He had widowed her, took her happiness. He killed her husband, and for no reason. The man was poor, after all. He begged for her forgiveness, and for God's mercy. The words he spoke in that courtroom were "I wish I was dead." with his head hung low.

On his way back to his cell, he saw the bed they used for executions. Soon he'd be on that bed, and it'll be over. When the day came, they tied him down to the bed, and the doctor came in. "We're gonna give you a new anesthetic first, it'll be over quick and painless, I promise. But it could cause some side-effects, such as hallucination, but don't worry, the anesthetic will kick in before you know it." The doctor inserts an IV in him, and puts some clear liquid in it. The man looks around then closes his eyes. A minute passes, then two. He opens his eyes to see the doctor examining his face with a flashlight. He mouths something. "What was that, doc?" The doctor doesn't respond, just stands up straight and walks out the door. Moments pass, then a man with a cashmere coat comes in. "Congratulations, Mr. John. You're a free man, now." He says.
"I'm here to take you to a place where you don't need feel bad anymore, think of it as a rehab center." They leave the prison, and begin their long walk towards the sun.

Entry #3

The events in my life have been extraordinary. I have had the most grand adventures! That will please you to hear… But alas all adventures must end, and I know that better than anyone else.

Some adventures haunt you for the rest of your days… They leave you questioning: “Why me?”. That is exactly what I have asked myself, ever since I narrowly escaped with my life, while thousands of others were not as fortunate.

I made great friends on that ship. All of which died, and there I was, alive in the boats, listening to the screams of thousands splashing helplessly in the water… I was there… I witnessed the greatest tragedy of 1912… That’s too much to bear.

Anne: I am so glad I had you as my little angel! Watching you grow up was the best part of my life… I hope you never have to suffer as I have… I hope you live a full life, and meet the most wonderful man the world has ever seen!

Elizabeth: I am so glad I got to join your mother and you. You accepted me as not a scoundrel here or your mother, but as a loving father who wants the best for you. I’ll miss you dearly.

Finally… Eileen: You are the best wife a man could have! We have had so many excellent adventures across the world together! We had a child… We raised a beautiful baby child together! I… am so glad you did not come on the Titanic with me… You should not have to suffer as I have…

I hope you know, that you will all be forever in my heart…

Enjoy your lives…


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