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ZD Legend/Champion Requirements


Staff member
I have updated the ZD Legends and ZD Champions based on September activity for existing ZD Legends and Champions.

From this month, those wishing to be considered to become a ZD Champion may like this post (or subsequent posts of mine) if they believe they have met the requirements set in the OP (making at least 30 posts, including at least one thread in the included forums set in the OP).

OP said:
Monthly Requirements Check
Each month a forum staff member will check the requirements for each existing ZD Legend and ZD Champion and then make a post in this thread to confirm that the checking has been completed. Other members wishing to become a ZD Champion who believe they have met the above requirements may "like" the staff member's post to be considered. Unfortunately this is not an automatic process so this will generally happen in the first few days of the month unless in exceptional circumstances. If you feel a mistake has been made in judging the criteria please contact an Administrator or Community Coordinator 7 days after leaving a 'like' on their post or after having lost your ZD Champion or ZD Legend status.

Feel free to post any questions in this thread.


Staff member
I have updated the ZD Legends and ZD Champions based on October activity for existing ZD Legends and Champions and added @TheHeroofTime as a new ZD Champion.

Others wishing to be considered to become a ZD Champion may like this post or PM me if they believe they have met the requirements set in the OP during the month of October (making at least 30 posts, including at least one thread in the included forums set in the OP).


Staff member
I have updated the ZD Legends and ZD Champions based on November activity for existing ZD Legends and Champions and added @Articwolf25 as a new ZD Champion while promoting @twilitfalchion to ZD Legend.

Others wishing to be considered to become a ZD Champion may like this post or PM me if they believe they have met the requirements set in the OP during the month of October (making at least 30 posts, including at least one thread in the included forums set in the OP).


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I don't know how you keep track, but it seems to me like the best way to do it would be to have a list of all the Champions and Legends somewhere with the number of posts they had last time you updated. Then, every month, just compare their current post count to last month's to see if they qualify again. And for Champions, put the month in which they become eligible for Legend.
I don't know how you keep track, but it seems to me like the best way to do it would be to have a list of all the Champions and Legends somewhere with the number of posts they had last time you updated. Then, every month, just compare their current post count to last month's to see if they qualify again. And for Champions, put the month in which they become eligible for Legend.
You have the right idea. The forum staff keep inventory of these tallies in private staff places, though.


Staff member
I have updated the ZD Legends and ZD Champions based on December activity for existing ZD Legends and Champions.

Others wishing to be considered to become a ZD Champion may like this post or PM me if they believe they have met the requirements set in the OP during last month (making at least 30 posts, including at least one thread in the included forums set in the OP).


Staff member
I have updated the ZD Legends and ZD Champions based on January activity for existing ZD Legends and Champions.

Others wishing to be considered to become a ZD Champion may like this post or PM me if they believe they have met the requirements set in the OP during last month (making at least 30 posts, including at least one thread in the included forums set in the OP).


Staff member
I have updated the ZD Legends and ZD Champions based on February activity for existing ZD Legends and Champions.

Others wishing to be considered to become a ZD Champion may like this post or PM me if they believe they have met the requirements set in the OP during last month (making at least 30 posts, including at least one thread in the included forums set in the OP).


Staff member
I have updated the ZD Legends and ZD Champions based on March activity for existing ZD Legends and Champions. I apologise for the delay this month.

Others wishing to be considered to become a ZD Champion may like this post or PM me if they believe they have met the requirements set in the OP during March (making at least 30 posts, including at least one thread in the included forums set in the OP).


Staff member
I have updated the ZD Legends and ZD Champions based on April activity for existing ZD Legends and Champions.

Others wishing to be considered to become a ZD Champion may like this post or PM me if they believe they have met the requirements set in the OP during April (making at least 30 posts, including at least one thread in the included forums set in the OP).


Staff member
I have updated the ZD Legends and ZD Champions based on May activity for existing ZD Legends and Champions.

Others wishing to be considered to become a ZD Champion may like this post or PM me if they believe they have met the requirements set in the OP during May (making at least 30 posts, including at least one thread in the included forums set in the OP).


Staff member
I have updated the ZD Legends and ZD Champions based on June activity for existing ZD Legends and Champions.

Others wishing to be considered to become a ZD Champion may like this post or PM me if they believe they have met the requirements set in the OP during June (making at least 30 posts, including at least one thread in the included forums set in the OP).

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