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ZD Legend/Champion Requirements


Staff member
This thread transparently outlines the requirements needed to become a ZD Champion or a ZD Legend, and the requirements to maintain the rank.

The System
The ZD Champion/ZD Legend system is designed to reward users for their activity at the forums. This system differs to the previous Hylian Knight/Hylian Noble system, addressing the concerns that were previously voiced in that the requirements are transparent and achievable by any forum member regardless of their popularity or standing with other users.

ZD Champion Requirements
  • Have posted at least 30 posts in the previous month.
  • Have posted at least 1 thread in the previous month (the thread OP is counted as 1 of 30 of the above posts).
  • Continues to maintain the ZD Champion requirements every month, when the requirements are not met the rank will be lost.
  • A list of current ZD Champions can be found here.

ZD Legend Requirements
  • Have maintained the ZD Champion rank for six months at least. The ZD Champion rank will be replaced by the ZD Legend rank.
  • Continues to maintain the ZD Champion requirements every month, when the requirements are not met the rank will be lost.
  • A list of current ZD Legends can be found here.
  • (Discussion about a potential medal to permanently recognise ZD Legends, even after they lose their rank, is currently ongoing.)

If the Forum Staff team determines that a user is creating an issue by spamming to achieve the rank a decision may be made not to award it. Obviously what constitutes "spam" can be considered fairly subjective, so this would only be a step taken in an extreme case. (Note that as at the time of posting this thread, this action has not been taken previously)

Thread/Post Forum Requirement
Threads and posts in certain forum sections are excluded from these requirements. For a list of included and excluded forums, please see below:

Zelda Forums (all)
General Chitchat (all)
Community Area
Life Advice
Art/Media Center (all)
Site Operations (all)
Blogs (all)
*At least 10 posts must be made outside the Mafia & Roleplay forums per month to maintain the status

Forum Games
Lorule Lounge
The Office (all)

Monthly Requirements Check
Each month a forum staff member will check the requirements for each existing ZD Legend and ZD Champion and then make a post in this thread to confirm that the checking has been completed. Other members wishing to become a ZD Champion who believe they have met the above requirements may "like" the staff member's post to be considered. Unfortunately this is not an automatic process so this will generally happen in the first few days of the month unless in exceptional circumstances. If you feel a mistake has been made in judging the criteria please contact an Administrator or Community Coordinator 7 days after leaving a 'like' on their post or after having lost your ZD Champion or ZD Legend status.

Any update to the requirements will be posted in this thread and announced clearly to the userbase.

Questions/Feedback or discussion regarding this system also belong in this thread.
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But why both?

Two reasons, really.

Medals aren't viewable for me unless I go looking, especially in mobile after the upgrade we had last year, so a little something extra like a Triforce stamp would be nice.

Second, if the staff have to actively look for and then count the posts of each member to see if they met the requirements, then having a marker like a Triforce symbol for those who are now safe from losing their title would make things a little easier, knowing they could skip over those names.

That is, if the staff even like the idea at all.
Santa hats and pumpkins are fun for seasonal contests but constant icons with names may take up too much room in the SB, I don't know how much of an issue that would be for everyone.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Second, if the staff have to actively look for and then count the posts of each member to see if they met the requirements, then having a marker like a Triforce symbol for those who are now safe from losing their title would make things a little easier, knowing they could skip over those names.
No one is safe from losing the title. The award is just to acknowledge the achievement.


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Woah! I had no clue that this was how you got the ranks. I always assumed it was a sort of "Don't ask about it"-thing or something like that. Makes kinda sense that I've never gotten any of them then, even though I've been here for almost 8 years now, I'm just not that active XD
I suppose I could give it a shot now that I know ^^


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
In my case, I just asked to @Twilight Shadows in the SB and he replied 4 days after I got the title.

Each month a forum staff member will check the requirements for each user who has made at least thirty posts in the previous month and all of the current ZD Legends and ZD Champions
From what I infer, is this a heavy task for the volunteers. Like would they have to dig the activity log of the whole month?


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Dear ZD staff,

How will I know when I've made enough posts? Will I feel it in my heart?

Thank you,
I love you,

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Dear ZD staff,

How will I know when I've made enough posts? Will I feel it in my heart?

Thank you,
I love you,
Dear friend Rubik,

You must let go, use the force! Or you can use the search feature and narrow your search to posts made by you. I'd recommend filtering out posts in the Mafia section, since they do not count. Aside from that, remember to try to make one thread that doesn't get moved to Lorule Lounge.

Original plan sounds better... so just let go! Use your feelings! (Rubik, you turned off your search bar, what's wrong?)

Your friend,
I love you too,
Spiritual Mask Salesman


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Dear friend Rubik,

You must let go, use the force! Or you can use the search feature and narrow your search to posts made by you. I'd recommend filtering out posts in the Mafia section, since they do not count. Aside from that, remember to try to make one thread that doesn't get moved to Lorule Lounge.

Original plan sounds better... so just let go! Use your feelings! (Rubik, you turned off your search bar, what's wrong?)

Your friend,
I love you too,
Spiritual Mask Salesman
Dear Funky Kong,

I couldn't find the option to filter out sections that don't count towards my post count.

Please send help,


The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
Dear Funky Kong,

I couldn't find the option to filter out sections that don't count towards my post count.

Please send help,

You'll need to manually select the appropriate sections/forums in "Search a forum". CTRL + Click is your friend to select multiple forums without losing your current selection. Of course, there's an easier, faster way if you open up your web browser's console and just input the following JS in:
$("input[name='c[users]']").val("~Kilza~,"); // Replace "~Kilza~" with your name
$("input[name='c[newer_than]']").val("2020-01-01"); // YYYY-MM-DD
$("select[name='c[nodes][]']").val([ "26", "55", "115", "131", "110", "77", "95", "153" ]);

Then all you need to do is press "Search" and you'll get your valid posts for the month.

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