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Your Skin, Nails, Hair Condition


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
So what's up with your skin? Do you have a dry skin or not? Is it sensitive? My skin is made of the thinnest paper ever. My hands easily tear open. Whenever I hurt myself even against a streng of thread I got a cut.

My nails grow very fast but break fast easily. That's why I never let them grow. Because the risk of them to break or bend is too high. My nail beds are also very sensitive. Mother nature must hate me :P

My hair grows fast and is fortunately in great condition. It is thick and it doesn't split easily.

So share your information :P


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
My skin is hard to deal with. I have mild eczema so sometimes it's dry, but most of the time it's also oily. I also used to get acne and while it's mostly cleared up, I still get occasional breakouts. If I don't moisturise it gets dry but if I moisturise daily I get spots.

My nails are disgusting. I bite them, but not to a gross stage. However, they're quite weak as a result. I can't have long nails anyway because I play instruments and also because when I've grown them before they've just annoyed me too much so I'm not that fussed about nails. However I do keep them clean.

My hair grows really fast which is funny because I had no hair at all until I was 3 for some unknown reason. My hair has a similar situation to my skin- it mostly gets oily but because I've dyed it so much it's gotten kind of dry at the same time. As a result, one side of it seems to be thicker, wavier and tends to get really tangled and dreadlocky and the other half is quite fine. I take good care of my hair because all of these things require a fine balance so I still quite like it because it's very soft.


Finding Love by the Moon
May 28, 2012
Macy, Indiana
I have very fair skin and it's dry. I get cut easily as well. I also have eczema, so that doesn't help.

My nails grow fast and a very strong. They can get pretty long and not break unless I accidentally ram my hand into something or mess up doing tosses with my rifle. I usually let them grow kind of long before I cut them or file them. Mainly for self-defense if I need to slap someone. :xd:

My hair is really long. It doesn't split easily and is very healthy. My hair is also thick and soft. Someone (in band) came up to me and randomly started petting my hair saying it was so soft. Every time I have friends over, they always fight over who gets to do my hair. Many people have told me they're jealous of my hair. Honestly, I think my hair is healthy because I rarely use hot tools and never dry my hair with a hair dryer. I always let it air dry. However recently, my under hair has started to get rough but I think it's from the different shampoo I started using. Darn.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I'm as pale as a ghost, so my skin is easily susceptible to UV Rays and dehydration (I have sensitive skin). I use lotion for dry skin, and it works pretty well for the most part. As for preventing sun burn, I'm not a fan of using suntan lotion, but of course that backfires. Instead of a tan, I get lobster red... Man, I cannot catch a break.

My nails are gross, man, let me tell you. I'll cut them one day, and then a few days later they're already on their way to what they were before. It's crazy.

I got stuck with a lot of my mom's genes, which means my hair's naturally curly and thick. I've learned to deal with my hair for years now, and I kind of like the curls now (though I still prefer straight hair to curly). It's also naturally wavy too... Just my luck.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
My skin is like, pale as death. I'm the palest person I know. No lie. I also have exzema, but it's just on my arms and doesn't itch very often. Lucky me. But it does look pretty bad. I'm just too lazy to use lotion for it, lol. I do have to use this acne cream for my face, though, otherwise I break out like crazy. But I hardly ever wear makeup or anything, just for auditions and stuff.

My nails are kinda short and weak-ish, since I used to bite them all the time, and now only bite them when they get more than a half-inch long (I will never use nail clippers on my fingernails, nope nope never). I never paint them, though. I don't even know what nail beds are supposed to look like, but I doubt mine are good.

I've actually been growing my hair out. It's almost halfway down my back now, eeeee! It's never been that long before, so I'm excited! It's kinda frizzy, though, always has been, and it's really thick. I don't like to use hair dryers and stuff, since I know it hurts my hair (and they're a pain and hot and dangerous), so it feels pretty healthy to me. But I have to use good shampoo or else I get dandruff something awful. Clear's working good for me.

Anyway, that's about as girly as I'm gonna get about myself. Enjoy, ketchup gluttons.


Pikachu my Snorlax
Dec 14, 2011
My skin is surprisingly in decent condition, aside from my face being a little too dry from time to time. I've gotten multiple compliments on how "soft" my skin is, which is weird because I don't really use lotion (maybe once a week).

My nails break rather easily. I'd love for them to be some what long and feminine, but it just does not happen :(

My hair is nice and long and thick, but recently it's become rather dry to the touch. I guess it's time to go back to some moisturizing shampoo/conditioner.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
Skin: Good condition. Very fair. I don't tan, I get sunburned, freckly, back to fair, repeat. I avoid long exposure to sunlight when able, and use SPF 45 when I don't have a choice.

Nails: They grow pretty fast. They're moderately strong. I broke the habit of biting them a few years ago, and they were stronger, but I find myself doing it again, which makes them weaker.

Hair: My hair is long and grows pretty fast. It's very healthy- it takes a long time for the ends to split. I don't use conditioner, and "rinse only" every other day (no shampoo).
May 4, 2014
skin-I tan and seldom burn, I have an acne problem but other then that its pretty decent.
my nails grow fast and are strong
my hair is thick and down to midback but could use a trim soon, yes I condition, I sometimes streak it blonde which isn't easy since I'm a very dark brunette


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Oh my god this thread is full of chicks! :cool: Ladies ;)

My skin is at times a bit harsh to say the least, my skin is quite resistant to our British weather, however when going abroad to hot places such as Spain, my skin surrenders to the might of the Spanish sun. I hate sun burn with a passion it's one of the biggest annoyances.

My nails are all good, bite them off using a level 5 bite, however I had ingrown toenails in high school, and didn't really want to do anything about it because I was too lazy, I actually tried to sort the problem out myself using a knife, it temperately worked but I soon felt pain again a few weeks later. Ingrown toenails are a nightmare let me tell ya! Walking hurts, and kicking a football practically murders your toes, It was actually my school that forced me to sort out my ingrown toenail as it kept hurting so much, in the end I had to go to the Doctors. My doctors sliced parts of the nails off and since I've had no issues. I honestly hope that's the end of that.

Hair is alright, I often shampoo it all the time so guys will notice me. :)
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
I have a very fair complexion, along with mild acne. My hands are very soft, since I use my friend's lotion most every day, along with my own at home. My hair is kind of an auburn color, but it's strangely rough feeling. No amount of conditioner can help it. My nails are always way too short since I have a nasty nail-biting habit.

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