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You Know You Play Too Much Zelda When...

Oct 16, 2011
Kakariko Village, Hyrule
I know there's probably a LOT of these about,but I don't think I've seen one lately so I thought I'd start one. :)

(This is how it works for anyone that doesn't know.)
You know you play too much Zelda when :
1. You only drink Milk or Red/Blue liquids.
2. You get arrested for breaking into someone's house and smashing all their pots and chicken abuse.
3. You manage to escape from "The Gerudo Jail".
4. Whenever you see a big tree,you attempt to talk to it so you can begin your quest for the Spiritual Stones.
5. You are terrified of wells.
6. You are terrified of chickens.

Also,do tell if you've done any of the things you post,I've done a couple. :P

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