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Would You Like to See a 2-D Zelda Game for the DS?

Azure Sage

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Hmm... I haven't really played many of the 2D Zelda's.Since I don't have the systems for them, I guess it would be good for me because then I could play them. Although, it'd have to be for the 3DS, since I'm getting one for my birthday, and I don't have a DS anymore.


Aug 24, 2010
Somewhere small
I would happily play a proper old-school 2D Zelda game on the DS. Y'know pixels rather than polygons. I think it would offer the creators far more freedom to do certain things than they think, by implementing only what's necessary over older game mechanics and elements. Not entirely sure about playing an older game remade on the DSs (though I'd like to see how some features would possibly be implemented on a scale-back remake), but there was a certain charm the older games carried that the 3D games haven't captured.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
A Link to the Past is going to be for the 3DS. I haven't seen the link, but Joseph said this on facebook. And I believe him. Especially with the way he said it. If Joseph says something about news updates (especially something like that), he's made sure it's true. So, looks like we're getting one!


Deity Link
May 17, 2011
East Coast USA
I believe the original Legend of Zelda, Link's Awakening, and Link to the Past are all coming to the 3DS... but would I like to see a NEW 2D Zelda come to the 3DS?

No, I can't say I do. While Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are indeed wonderful games... they seem so unzelda to me. They've taken on their own gimmicky genre, taking advantage of the DS's features quite well... but too much so... I lose the feel of Classic Zelda.

I think if they made a NEW Zelda using the engine they used for OOT 3D... well I'd be overjoyed.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I believe the original Legend of Zelda, Link's Awakening, and Link to the Past are all coming to the 3DS... but would I like to see a NEW 2D Zelda come to the 3DS?

No, I can't say I do. While Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are indeed wonderful games... they seem so unzelda to me. They've taken on their own gimmicky genre, taking advantage of the DS's features quite well... but too much so... I lose the feel of Classic Zelda.

I think if they made a NEW Zelda using the engine they used for OOT 3D... well I'd be overjoyed.

This is actually why I love Spirit Tracks. It was completely different than the rest of the series, even more so than Majora's Mask. Yet it still maintained the basic Zelda feel. Not everything has to say "classic."


Toon Deity
May 16, 2011
Seattle WA
I would love it. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit tracks are ok games, but the graphics are simply horrid. A 2D game in the style of Pokemon Black and White would be great in my opinion.


Apr 21, 2011
I would rather play a cel-shaded Zelda in 3D. I'm pretty tired of the DS Zeldas.


Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
A downloadable game, not a full $40 game. I would buy it either way, but I would be happier with a downloadable 2D game.


Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
I'd like to see one last Oracle game, one with poor old Faore involved. If the creator of Zelda is crazy enough to make yet ANOTHER Link to the Past game, he'd be crazy enough to make another Oracle game (it's pretty obvious what his favorite Zelda game is).

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