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Worst story


Crawfish Prime
Jul 8, 2009
New Zealand
In all seriousness, the first two titles in the series, but they have reason to, so thats acceptable.

Phantom Hourglass would be the worst for me, which is unfortunate, as it is an okay addition to the Zelda series. Runner up for worst would be Ocarina of Time, mainly because it failed to captivate me at all.....
Dec 2, 2009
Canada (Pfft, I wish)
Four Swords, if it counts. It wasn't very in-depth and just a bit of a side sequel. It's a good thing that Nintendo didn't make it.

If Four Swords doesn't count, then I can't really pick. All of the storylines in Zelda games are great, including the original two, but they each have their flaws.
Oct 18, 2007
In all seriousness, the first two titles in the series, but they have reason to, so thats acceptable.

Phantom Hourglass would be the worst for me, which is unfortunate, as it is an okay addition to the Zelda series. Runner up for worst would be Ocarina of Time, mainly because it failed to captivate me at all.....

I'm not sure if you or anyone else that said LoZ and AoL have actually read the entire prologue.


Guy What's Angry Now
May 15, 2009
It's a secret to everybody.
Discounting our NES friends since there was never really any pressure to even have a story back then, I'm going with PH, straight up.
Here's PH's plot:
...you ready?
"There's an evil squid. It kidnapped the princess, and killed some whale guy. Collect X magic things to kill it."

I mean, really. PH's story had less going on than LttP, for god's sake. At least LttP gave you the Agahnim=Ganon twist at the end and turned everything on its head with the Dark World in the middle of the game. OoT at least had the Seven Years of Darkness and Ganon's takeover. Hell, even Link's Awakening, which never really gave you any story except in the beginning and end, at least had memorable characters and events to keep you caring about your mission.
But PH? The only thing that could count as any kind of twist is when Oshus just magically shows up on the evil Ghost Ship with no explanation as to how he got there, and tells you that "yeah, I was just pulling your leg- those fairies were useless, what I actually need is some metal for a sword", which is an excuse to stick to the Rule of Three and prolong the bland game. Pretty much from start to finish, nobody gives a damn about anybody in the world, because when they're not being boring, they're being damn annoying, and if Tetra weren't conveniently kidnapped, nobody would care about the stupid, stupid squid.


Dec 16, 2009
Not TLoZ or TAoL! Definately not! There are no flaws in the first 4 games, Nintendo messed up later on.
It's actually way cool compared to many other games from back in those days. And on their own, the are awesome.
That was the whole fun, some mystery land, an enormous quest, nobody telling you what to do or how to do it.
Mysteries man!

Although enjoyable and epic and stuff, OoT was quite a safe bet from Nintendo and therefore quite lame?
It is almost A link to the Past in 3D... only the older one was more surprising.

Thank you Link, you are a hero... This time around it takes 15 minutes, but it's not that different really.

I can't choose, they are all pretty awesome! But if I have to, I'd say OoT.
PS most recommanded by myself to play = OoT! You just can't go without.

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