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Ocarina of Time Will OOT 3D 'beat' the Original?

Jul 2, 2011
I was talking to my cousin earlier today and he wondered if OOT 3D could possibly sell better than the original N64 version. What are your thoughts on this?


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
That's actually a tough question. Full video games just don't sell like the used to back when the original came out. The entire industry is suffering from decreased sales. It's because of all the saturation of the market of all those small games on smart phones and other handheld mobile devices like the iPad. As well as online games like Facebook games such as Farmville. They're oversaturating the market with cheap, low-quality games that are taking sales away from the larger games on consoles and dedicated handhelds like the 3DS and PSP.

So even if Ocarina of Time 3D is better than the original in most people's minds, it's doubtful it'll sell better than the original because of how the video game market is. It might still perform better than most other games of its type like the original though. But I don't think it can outsell it the way the market is now.


Hero of Slimes
Jan 31, 2011
Louisville KY
Possible but unlikely. You've got to compare to prices of the systems you can get them on. The most recent "original" version was the Wii which right now only costs $200. Plus $10 to get the port from the N64 version. Then the 3DS. $250 for the system, and another $40 for the game. The way the economy is most people will stay with the "original" copy for the Wii, Gamecube, or the N64.
Jul 2, 2011
Good point. Like I said at the start of this thread, it was just something my cousin was wondering about; especially considering people still say OOT's one of the best video games ever made.

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