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Ocarina of Time Will It Still Be the Oot We Know and Love?


Awkward Turtle

I think it will and sorry for the short reply I have to decide which games I want to preorder for the 3DS! Woot! :D


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
It will be very much the same, I'm sure, but the experience will definitely change with the 3D graphics and handheld transition. I'm most excited for the feel of the fighting, and can't wait to implement the gyroscope when taking on enemies.


After watching some of the Deku Tree demo's it looks to be exactly the same just with a refined interface and MUCH better graphics. It honestly looks astounding even in 2D! I think its safe to say that I'm more excited about this than I am Skyward Sword. its nice to have a good handheld Zelda game. I don't like PH or ST... horrible Zelda games.

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