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Hyrule Warriors Will Hyrule Warriors Do Well? + Will You Buy?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Do you both know what your saying?
Hyrule Warriors has 13 playable characters. That's heaps. Almost too many. Mystic Heroes for Gamecube (same gameplay as Hyrule Warriors) had 4 characters. And it didn't feel too bad. Maybe 5-6 would have been better (the ones from the playstation release of the game. Hyrule Warriors 13 is many playable characters. I think someone is being given a free slice of cake but is complaining that they didn't get the while cake (ie ungrateful for what is in the game now).

We will play the 13 PCs in the game and we will all enjoy them. And learn all their strong and weak points slowly. It's more than enough I think.

Of course I know what I'm saying, I'm not a moron. 13 is not even half the size of a normal warriors roster. It IS tiny.
This slice of cake ain't free at all, it will probably cost £50, so the less characters in the less likely the game will appeal to players.What if there is a Groose fan for example, their favourite is groose. Allot of people love groose, but by not including him that is potential buyers that might be deterred by his absence. That is the same for a number of excluded characters.
My favourite character is Ganondorf, so I'll buy for him, but there are other characters from the series that are fan favourites which might have been selling points of the game for many other Zelda fans.
Oct 14, 2013
Of course I know what I'm saying, I'm not a moron. 13 is not even half the size of a normal warriors roster. It IS tiny.
This slice of cake ain't free at all, it will probably cost £50, so the less characters in the less likely the game will appeal to players.What if there is a Groose fan for example, their favourite is groose. Allot of people love groose, but by not including him that is potential buyers that might be deterred by his absence. That is the same for a number of excluded characters.
My favourite character is Ganondorf, so I'll buy for him, but there are other characters from the series that are fan favourites which might have been selling points of the game for many other Zelda fans.
I'm not comparing Hyrule Warriors to other Warriors games. I'm just taking from a point of view of Hyrule Warriors in general. Most games don't have anywhere near 13 totally different playable characters. If people want to complain that 13 PC's is not enough, well that's up to them. I think there's enough. Sure Groose is one I'd love to have in it. But I am realistic. This is no Super Smash Bros. It's an action game. As long as all the game modes are fun and long lasting, then the game will be good. More characters (if properly done and properly balanced) is never a bad thing. But that's just gravy once you have 13 PCs already there.

My whole point is just enjoy the game for what it has (and that's a lot). It's not even out in the West and people are already complaining it's not good enough.
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Piper of Time
Aug 11, 2011
The Lost Woods
I think it will do reasonably well. I would guess no less than 800K, which will probably be enough for them to decide to make a second one. It definitely would be enough for Koei, even if they put that number of a million in bold letters. Koei puts out games because they want to make them.

You can complain about the roster all you want, but if you won't get it JUST BECAUSE there's no Groose (who probably will be added later), or just because your favorite character is outside of the three games used, you should take a look at what they did put into the game. Shallow atypical Warriors' game my ***. The stages are accurate representations of the locations they represent, the story gets far too much hate where people need to stop having such high standards and realize that games are meant to be played (it's not a crappy story, just decent from what I've seen). The gameplay got some tweaks with the use of items to traverse the battlefield, fight bosses and find secrets at the same time. There's a total of 146 different scenarios to play through, and more will be coming out over time.

Don't compare it to mainstay series either, that's bologna. They did what they could with the time that was given. This has been stated numerous times, but the first game in Musou series never seem to have more than 13 characters that I know. And don't mention Samurai Warriors or Warriors Orochi which already had a system to work off of. If you want more characters, support the game, and Koei will assuredly want to make more for the fans, because that's what they like to do. They don't necessarily appease to a large audience or get record breaking sales, but they give their fans a product that pour all their blood and sweat into. This can be seen by how much love every detail of this game received.

I can pretty much guarantee a second game would be no less than 30 characters to play as. For what characters they did have time to add though, can we really complain?

Link - Obvious
Zelda - Obvious
Impa - Very important character to the series
Ganondorf - Obvious
Lana - Only playable original character at the moment, which really isn't that bad
Sheik - Hugely popular character in the most popular game of the series
Fi - Groose may have been a more fan friendly choice, but she was still a huge part of the story. And I have to admit that she looks fun.
Darunia - Popular GORON from the most popular game in the series.
Ruto - Popular ZORA from the most popular game in the series.
Midna - Fan favorite and highly important character from one of the best selling Zelda games ever.
Agitha - The oddball choice, which Koei is allowed to have one or two of, especially when she's at least unique and comes from a game when there was no CLEAR other character who fit the criteria.
Zant - Primary villain from Twilight Princess, instantly important and a lot of people like him.
Ghirahim - Primary villain from Skyward Sword, instantly important and a lot of people like him.

A pretty good roster if you ask me. I will admit, as much as I like Agitha, I do still wonder if it might have been better to put Groose in over her for the time being. But I believe that point will probably be moot when Koei releases character DLC at a somewhat near later date. Maybe even as soon as late this month.

I also think Wind Waker with Daphnes and Medli would have been a better game to use than Skyward Sword, since it's more well received and sold more copies, but I get that Skyward Sword blends better with the style.

Now, I was thinking we'd get double this roster, only because Aonuma was surprised at its size. But based on what games were included, I'd say they chose primarily the best characters they could have within the time restraints while still giving a quality game.

P.S. Beat em up genre doesn't automatically diminish quality. This game appears to do exactly what it intended to.

Basically, stop nitpicking.

I know the "surprisingly large roster" thing might have been a bit misleading, but look at everything that was included instead of thinking about what wasn't. You NEVER would have got to play as this many Zelda characters from any other game.

They put a lot of love in it, and even if the beat em up genre isn't your style, the game was made to the best of its ability for people who enjoy the genre with a little mix of Zelda.

There are only a few things I could see working against this game reaching its at least a million quota.

1. It's on the Wii U only. It probably would sell better if there was a regular Wii version.
2. Even though I argue against it, some people probably will want more characters.
3. Cia. Although I don't mind her, I think this game would be a bigger hit with younger generation Zelda fans who might not be allowed to get the game now just because of Cia's appearance.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Do you both know what your saying?
Hyrule Warriors has 13 playable characters. That's heaps. Almost too many. Mystic Heroes for Gamecube (same gameplay as Hyrule Warriors) had 4 characters. And it didn't feel too bad. Maybe 5-6 would have been better (the ones from the playstation release of the game. Hyrule Warriors 13 is many playable characters. I think someone is being given a free slice of cake but is complaining that they didn't get the while cake (ie ungrateful for what is in the game now).

We will play the 13 PCs in the game and we will all enjoy them. And learn all their strong and weak points slowly. It's more than enough I think.

G-King basically said what I was going to say. From a Warriors-expectation perspective, I feel a little let down. Still, I will enjoy the game for what it is. I think 13 is indeed a modest number in dealing with its roster confines (SS, TP, OOT), yet I feel like when dealing with the Zelda franchise, there was more potential than utilized. I've never played Mystic Heroes, so I cannot vouch for your perspective entirely, but from what I know, I do understand your point. Also, with such things such as the Badge system and the retro-esque Adventure Mode, I think that the game will make the roster more than meets the eye in the end! :yes: (Since the former feature isn't present in Warriors
Sep 23, 2013
United States
Probably since despite actually being a DW game, it's still Zelda. It'll sell no matter what the game looks like. Hell, if a SMG clone like SLW sold well because it's Sonic, why not HW? The only reason the game didn't sell well in Japan is because Zelda's not a popular series over there. It'll be different for the West, but it's more of a wait & see scenario.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I'm not comparing Hyrule Warriors to other Warriors games. I'm just taking from a point of view of Hyrule Warriors in general. Most games don't have anywhere near 13 totally different playable characters. If people want to complain that 13 PC's is not enough, well that's up to them. I think there's enough. Sure Groose is one I'd love to have in it. But I am realistic. This is no Super Smash Bros. It's an action game. As long as all the game modes are fun and long lasting, then the game will be good. More characters (if properly done and properly balanced) is never a bad thing. But that's just gravy once you have 13 PCs already there.

My whole point is just enjoy the game for what it has (and that's a lot). It's not even out in the West and people are already complaining it's not good enough.

You may not compare it, but others will. Non Zelda fans and Warriors fans will. Now if a series you like has loads of characters in the roster and then some spinoff comes along and it looks quite cool, then you learn it has only 13 characters, you might be put off.


Feb 14, 2014
Zelda is just not popular in Japan.


Anyways, I'm a little surprised it didn't sell so well. But I think it will sell fairly in the West because Wii U is getting more hype at the moment because of MK8. Because of MK8, more people are paying attention to Nintendo's release schedule now because new Wii U owners who bought the console for MK8 now want more games for it.

Will I buy it? I might if I have extra money. I've never played a Dynasty Warriors game before, so I think one with Zelda characters is a good place to start. It seems like it could be fun.
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Oct 14, 2013
You may not compare it, but others will. Non Zelda fans and Warriors fans will. Now if a series you like has loads of characters in the roster and then some spinoff comes along and it looks quite cool, then you learn it has only 13 characters, you might be put off.
You are correct for Japanese fans. But for the majority of people in the west who don't know what Dynasty Warriors are (but they are Nintendo and/or LoZ fans), 13 will seem like a huge number.
To me the number of playable characters in this type of game doesn't matter as much as the quality of each character. It's purely a quality vs quantity issue.
Also having 13 distinctly different characters is a plus. Not 30+ characters where half the roster is a clone (or almost clone) of another character in the roster.

I agree Dynasty fans who expect an army of playable characters, might be disappointed but everyone else will just accept what is there and play the game before they judge it too harshly.

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