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Why do the ZI webpage articles not quote the article sources?


Aug 25, 2016
Please show me where we don't do this? All of our writers are required to source the correct posts. The only time we don't is with videos.
Oct 14, 2013
That's one where there is no source.

Also when you do say the source you just say "Source:Game Informer". You don't make the source quoted a link so we can go back and read the original source. Actually quoting the source, not just saying "Game Informer" would be better. Because as you say in now, it's impossible to know exactly where in Game Informer you got the info. Was it their website? Was it their magazine? Was it elsewhere from them? Your source gives as leasy information about the source material as it possibly can. Making that a link back tot he actual source or saying something like "Source:Game Informer Magazine Issue 332". That would be way better. Then we can go and look up the source.

If it's referenced from a mgazine, actually linking images of the magazine article would be nice too. Not a must though. That's nice but not5 necessary. At the very least list that it is a magazne and what issue the info is from.


Site Staff
Aug 25, 2016
http://www zeldainformer.com/wildlife-details-revealed-in-breath-of-the-wild/
Your source gives as leasy information about the source material as it possibly can. Making that a link back tot he actual source or saying something like "Source:Game Informer Magazine Issue 332". That would be way better. Then we can go and look up the source.

If it's referenced from a mgazine, actually linking images of the magazine article would be nice too. Not a must though. That's nice but not5 necessary. At the very least list that it is a magazne and what issue the info is from.

There is no link, because it's a paid subscription magazine. I suppose we could link to a free download of the issue, but that would be illegal now, wouldn't it? As for the issue number, maybe we can do that in the future. One thing I do notice though is the article you linked is missing the "Source: Game Informer" which should by all means be there.
Oct 14, 2013
If you have any other questions and/or criticism, feel free to email me directly—I'm more likely to see it. [email protected]
Will do. Thanks again for your prompt responce on this. I am not taking a pot shot at ZI and ZD here. I am just someone who likes to read different takes on the same facts. Very few people like to share the raw facts anymore so I f I read multiple sources, I can get the whole picture.

Also often ZI picks out one point to focus on. Nothing wrong about this. However I do like to read that point in the context of the whole article, and that's why linking the source is so important. And so everyone else can do this too. Also it's just the proper thing to do, quoting sources and such.

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