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Adventure of Link Why Adventures of Link Was So Hard...REVEALED!(I Think)


Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
I was surfing the net when it came to me; The reason that Adventures of Link is so challenging is because it was in the format of a MARIO game. Think about it: you're seen at the begining with how many lives you have (3) and it's also a platform game, just like the original Mario games. If you think that's the reason or you don't, just submit your reply or your own opinion (There has to be other suggestions SOMEwhere ;)). I'm secretly hoping that I was the first one to figure it out, so please for give me if there is already a thread for this.
Nov 7, 2010
I have played smb1 and smb3 and AoL is still harder, I dont see why this "mario format" would be the reason, if you ask me, its hard because you have "lives" and you restart all the way to the north palace


"Frocobo says die!"
Apr 2, 2011
I think it was the different type of gameplay that Zelda players were not used to. I sure found the game hard, but I managed to take it on and kick dark links butt. :)

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
It's not called "Mario format" it's called a "Side-Scroller".

It's in an NES game's nature to be unfairly difficult. With the limited resources Nintendo had to work with the easy way to make a game last a long time (So you could get your money's worth) was to make it difficult.

The Legend

It was hard because it was a whole different style of playing here the diffrences

The Legend of zelda:

Adventure of link:

Another reason is AOL is Side scrolling and TLOZ is screen to screen
Apr 27, 2011
I think the reason it was hard was just due to the enemies being so dang hard. Most dungeon enemies were like mini bosses. Look at the first game. You just swung your sword at them. Sure, sometimes you had to hit them in the back, or throw a bomb down thier throat. In AOL enemies took way to many hits to kill and you had to time every strike. It really wears on you and fast. It also did not gradually get difficult as time went on. It just started hard and then got harder. It also doesnt help that it had so many flying enemies or just enemies with sparactic attack patterns. It was fine for game that is all about combat and precision. But thats not what was expected from a Zelda game.

All that being said it was the 1st Zelda game I ever played. And at the time I didnt think it was all that hard. It was just another game in the NES library I couldnt beat. It wasnt until many years later That I finally was able to beat a video game on the playstaion. Did I get better or did the games get easier. Im sure games just got easier.
AoL is a great game, it is hard as hell though. As said above the enemies are insane, that's why it is so hard imo.
I hope one day I can finally be it lol. I got it on VC and am still stuck at Death Mountain but I haven't played it in a while.

Thank goodness for VC I could not find an NES anywhere that worked more then a few times. I don't know what happened to my old one but buying old consoles off of eBay doesn't always work. Thank goodness my SNES and N64 are in good shape.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
The side scrolling format reminds me of the original Metroid and Kid Icarus. However Zelda had a little less platform jumping and more roaming. However in both Kid Icarus and Metroud you eventually gained a few more items and upgrades that made the game a little easier, while in Zelda you had to fight to gain levels. Which would often be very time consuming. Also Kid Icarus and Metroid used password systems that would let you restart at the beginning of a specific area or level. Zelda 2 always sent you back to North Castle at the very beginning.

I have always cited the controls as the biggest reason why the game is hard. Running and jumping had very loose controls and would often lead to falling into one of the many bottomless pits or sliding off a bridge too easily. Also the method which you fight enemies, the sword beams are not very useful and have a very limited range. And if you take any damage at all they are gone. In Kid Icarus and Metroid you always have a long range weapon and can keep enemies away from you to fight them. While in Zelda 2 you have to get up close with them, while the short length of the sword works against you. In many cases you have to come well inside the enemies range of attack to be capable of hurting them. So using a badly designed weapon and bad controls against an enemy that had the ability to kill you within three to four hits always results in one frustrating situation. And later on you discover rooms filled with iron knuckles and stalfos.

Caleb, Of Asui

I don't think being anything like Mario made it any harder. I got through many of the Super Mario Bros. games just fine, but I suppose that's mainly because I had a way of continuing where I left off, rather than having to go back every time I lost my lives. There's no way around this in any released version of The Adventure of Link, though, and that's what was really hard for me, at least until you get the hammer. If think if they were to make a remake of The Adventure of Link that doesn't eternally send you back, it would easily be of around normal difficulty. Perhaps on the more difficult end, since the levels have a bit of a more difficult design, but it at least wouldn't be ridiculous.

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