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Spoiler Who or What is Ghirahim?


Jul 1, 2012
TheBlueReptile said:
Another thing that makes me question the validity of this assumption is that, if Ghirahim were to be around back in those times, surely he would be in the form of Demise sword. Would Demise not have to fight back then too? This ties into one of the concluding statements you made regarding Ghirahim:
I see this as Ghirahim's new role so to say. I do believe his sole purpose is to hold on to the sword or to sacrifice himself to the sword as we saw etc. If we look at the "speculated" antithesis of Demise's Sword -- being the Goddess Sword -- this was a highly regarded but it was of no real power, that is until we powered it up. Now I believe that something must have diminished the power of the sword in that battle as I doubt a Deity (Hylia) would wield such a weak blade. Now the scene were we see Ghirahim "supposedly" transfer himself into the sword bears a lot of similarity to the scenes in which we power up the Goddess Sword into the eventual Master Sword. Either this is a simple powering up or a reforging, I think the former seems the more likely.

So, if Ghirahim was a part of Demise's original army--which is what I'm implying--then his role wouldn't necessarily have to be the same. As I said, he is a Demon after all and he seems to posses the same qualities. Demise's Sword would have been separated during his defeat, this is where I think Ghirahim seized his role - using his demon-like ability to take possession of the sword as he awaits his master's return.

TheBlueReptile said:
What is he referring to by "this"? Well, he's referring to the resurrection of Demise of course. A resurrection that would not have needed to occur had Demise been successful in his original attack. In order for Ghirahim to have been waiting his whole existence for the resurrection of Demise they would have had to have known that the original attack would prove to be a failure. Which of course they didn't. Ghirahim's words here instead imply that he was created specifically for the purpose of the resurrection, and therefore would not have been a part of the original army.*
I'm not so sure on this, if this was so, then Demise would have anticipated his own defeat, which he is far to arrogant to think so in my eyes. I actually doubt Ghirahim could have been created post the original war, Demise was defeated and sealed away - his powers--while they still remain--they seem to be somewhat uncontrollable and he seems to be without intellect almost, slowly rampaging though the sealed grounds as a rather unusual beast-like figure. I find it hard to believe Ghirahim was created by this Demise.

TheBlueReptile said:
Here we see Demise, pretty much defeated at the hands of Link, raising his sword into the air seemingly for one last burst of energy. After being denied it, he plunges the sword into the ground and begins using it as a crutch. Watch carefully as the sword disappears. It vanishes in a puff of purple smoke and Demise turns his open palm and stares into it. Whatever happened, Demise wasn't expecting it. Could it be that Ghirahim, disheartened that the Master whom he devoted his life to was defeated at the hands of a mere human, up and left him? Surely if the sword was a prior creation to Ghirahim, he wouldn't have enough control to do so? This was indicate that the sword didn't have*that*much of a relevance, if an existence at all, prior to Ghirahim's creation. Perhaps it was even created in tandem with Ghirahim, so that the two are one and the same and not separate entities from different times.*
Meh, I'm not too persuaded on that being Ghirahim leaving the battle, to me it was a simple vanishing of the sword, a symbolism of Ghirahim dying maybe? or a symbolism of Demise's final defeat. Either way, we never see the sword down the Timeline itself, nor Ghirahim - I know it's retcon, but if we are delving into this then surly he would pop up some time or at least the existence of th sword?

Another thing that makes me question this is the manner in which Ghirahim was transferred into three sword itself. It almost seemed sacrificial, the apprentice giving his life to his Master in a hope to lend his strength. This may not be the case, but that's just how I interpret that particular scene.

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