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Spoiler Who or What is Ghirahim?


Jul 1, 2012
*So the spoiler prefix is there for a reason, so if you haven't completed Skyward Sword and don't intend to ruin the ending phases, then don't read on*

Ghirahim was certainly an odd character/villain/boss. In my opinion he was pretty over-the-top and quite a strange addition, but I certainly think we could do with more figures like him in the series. However, that is not what I'm concerned with, as this is a theory, and I want to question just who exactly he is, or, who he isn't.

Well a lot would simply say he is a "Demon Lord" (self proclaimed) who serves a greater being (Demise). Some may notice a comparison with Fi. I've see this thrown around a lot, even prerelease, just on visuals alone; however, it's the whole comparison that both are "spirits of the sword" - as some have said. Now I'd argue this, and that's what I kind of want to address here.


So a lot of common knowledge seems to point out that Ghirahim is the antithesis of Fi.

- Fi serves Link (Ghirahim serves Demise)
- Similar patterns - Diamond symbol in the chest area
- Fi is the spirit of the Master Sword (Ghirahim takes on the form of a sword)
- Demise's sword and the Master Sword seem to be the opposite of each other (Fan interpretation)

So these similarities seem quite convincing, plus I do think it was Nintendo's intention to make this connection of sorts, but in terms of the lore of the series, I think otherwise. Fi is actually a creation of Hylia, as confirmed by Fi herself - [ilquote=Fi]The one chosen by my creator. I have been waiting for you.[/ilquote] Fi was simply created to guide the hero on his journey, Ghirahim was nothing but that. Now why it could be perceived that Ghirahim was created by Demise, I wouldn't say that he specifically created Ghirahim, but Ghirahim was a part of his Demon Army.


I guess this isn't concrete evidence, but it's certainly something to take into account. Now a lot of have made the connection between the figure seen on the far left and Ghirahim himself. Now i would agree but I can't simply say that his him or not; however, there are some other indications. So Demise has a title, very much like Ganondorf; "Demon King". Now this seems to reference the fact that he is the king/leader of Demons, well who are the Demons? Well I would agree that this picture seems to represent more specific figures and Ghirahim is certainly a Demon in my eyes and an important figure, as well as a loyal servant of Demise.

Demon--> An evil spirit or devil, esp. one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.

So is Ghirahim a Demon? well I would say yes and this is where I would like to counter the idea that he is the spirit of Demise's sword. I actually think that it's the opposite as in Ghirahim possesses Demise's sword, a trait of a Demon. This video shows the scene were we Demise (true form) for this first time, just skip to around 6:50.
[video=youtube;4hwq0H16UGY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=4hwq0H16UGY [/video]
In fact at around 3:18, Ghirahim refers to himself as a Demon when unveiling Demise's sword. So if we go off the consensus that Ghirahim is a Demon then I think this makes sense that in fact he took on possession of the sword rather than the other way round. If you actually analyse that scene that I made reference to earlier; you see Demise draw the sword from within Ghirahim's body, while Ghirahim keeps his physical appearance. Then we see Ghirahim become an energy to the sword itself, which provides no backup to this theory, but I simply see this as a Demon-like power.

So overall, I would argue with such perceptions saying Ghirahim is related to Fi or that he is a sword or spirit of the sword and say that Ghirahim is a Demon, more specifically a part of Demise's original army - as referenced in the prologue. The whole explanation for the sword simply being that he was holding on to the sword awaiting his Master's return, his Demon powers simply allowing him to absorb the sword's power. I know that a lot for people came to the conclusion that Ghirahim was a part of Demise's anyway, but I just don't believe that Ghirahim is simply the antithesis of Fi, but instead, an entirely different entity.

So that's my personal view, who do you think Ghirahim is, do you actually think he is related to Fi in some way round would agree with some of the points I made? Maybe you have a completely different view...
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Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Ghirahim is conceptually the polar opposite of Fi. Where Fi is cold, robotic, and a spirit-like entity housed inside a sword, Ghirahim is flamboyant, borderline bipolar, and a demon-like entity that IS a sword. I don't think there's really much more to it than that.

I would like to say, though, that I find it interesting that Ghirahim (canonically) is the inspiration for Fi's creation. Obviously Nintendo thought of Ghirahim later on and based his sword status on Fi, but according to the storyline, Fi was created after Hylia's battle with Demise. That's a nice little touch on Nintendo's part.

Why can't he be both?

How far you've come from theorizing this... :bleh:



Travis Mask
Jul 13, 2013
Gainesville, Tx
*So the spoiler prefix is there for a reason, so if you haven't completed Skyward Sword and don't intend to ruin the ending phases, then don't read on*

Ghirahim was certainly an odd character/villain/boss. In my opinion he was pretty over-the-top and quite a strange addition, but I certainly think we could do with more figures like him in the series. However, that is not what I'm concerned with, as this is a theory, and I want to question just who exactly he is, or, who he isn't.

Well a lot would simply say he is a "Demon Lord" (self proclaimed) who serves a greater being (Demise). Some may notice a comparison with Fi. I've see this thrown around a lot, even prerelease, just on visuals alone; however, it's the whole comparison that both are "spirits of the sword" - as some have said. Now I'd argue this, and that's what I kind of want to address here.


So a lot of common knowledge seems to point out that Ghirahim is the antithesis of Fi.

- Fi serves Link (Ghirahim serves Demise)
- Similar patterns - Diamond symbol in the chest area
- Fi is the spirit of the Master Sword (Ghirahim takes on the form of a sword)
- Demise's sword and the Master Sword seem to be the opposite of each other (Fan interpretation)

So these similarities seem quite convincing, plus I do think it was Nintendo's intention to make this connection of sorts, but in terms of the lore of the series, I think otherwise. Fi is actually a creation of Hylia, as confirmed by Fi herself - [ilquote=Fi]The one chosen by my creator. I have been waiting for you.[/ilquote] Fi was simply created to guide the hero on his journey, Ghirahim was nothing but that. Now why it could be perceived that Ghirahim was created by Demise, I wouldn't say that he specifically created Ghirahim, but Ghirahim was a part of his Demon Army.


I guess this isn't concrete evidence, but it's certainly something to take into account. Now a lot of have made the connection between the figure seen on the far left and Ghirahim himself. Now i would agree but I can't simply say that his him or not; however, there are some other indications. So Demise has a title, very much like Ganondorf; "Demon King". Now this seems to reference the fact that he is the king/leader of Demons, well who are the Demons? Well I would agree that this picture seems to represent more specific figures and Ghirahim is certainly a Demon in my eyes and an important figure, as well as a loyal servant of Demise.

Demon--> An evil spirit or devil, esp. one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.

So is Ghirahim a Demon? well I would say yes and this is where I would like to counter the idea that he is the spirit of Demise's sword. I actually think that it's the opposite as in Ghirahim possesses Demise's sword, a trait of a Demon. This video shows the scene were we Demise (true form) for this first time, just skip to around 6:50.
[video=youtube;4hwq0H16UGY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=4hwq0H16UGY [/video]
In fact at around 3:18, Ghirahim refers to himself as a Demon when unveiling Demise's sword. So if we go off the consensus that Ghirahim is a Demon then I think this makes sense that in fact he took on possession of the sword rather than the other way round. If you actually analyse that scene that I made reference to earlier; you see Demise draw the sword from within Ghirahim's body, while Ghirahim keeps his physical appearance. Then we see Ghirahim become an energy to the sword itself, which provides no backup to this theory, but I simply see this as a Demon-like power.

So overall, I would argue with such perceptions saying Ghirahim is related to Fi or that he is a sword or spirit of the sword and say that Ghirahim is a Demon, more specifically a part of Demise's original army - as referenced in the prologue. The whole explanation for the sword simply being that he was holding on to the sword awaiting his Master's return, his Demon powers simply allowing him to absorb the sword's power. I know that a lot for people came to the conclusion that Ghirahim was a part of Demise's anyway, but I just don't believe that Ghirahim is simply the antithesis of Fi, but instead, an entirely different entity.

So that's my personal view, who do you think Ghirahim is, do you actually think he is related to Fi in some way round would agree with some of the points I made? Maybe you have a completely different view...

Read this:http://hyrulecastle.net/the-legend-of-zelda-hyrule-historia/
You'll find in this there was, possibly, another Master Sword. And, with what happened with Link, being he is the only one who may wield the Master Sword, in this manga. Maybe this*
Demon--> An evil spirit or devil, esp. one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.
* could serve well as to how Girahim has corrupted this Master Sword, as the spirit of Link....you'll have to read to find-out what happened with his spirit...
You'll also notice, the Master Sword in SS was originally the Goddess Sword and the Master Sword in this manga was originally the Master Sword that had to be broken down and rebuilt to be claimed.

How far you've come from theorizing this... :bleh:


I noticed that there was something extremely familiar! I usually catch stuff like this.....:dry:
All well; thanks for showing me that! :yes:
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Jul 1, 2012
TMLink76420 said:
Read this:http://hyrulecastle.net/the-legend-o...rule-historia/
You'll find in this there was, possibly, another Master Sword. And, with what happened with Link, being he is the only one who may wield the Master Sword, in this manga.
The manga isn't canon, it was just featured within the book.
JuicieJ said:
Ghirahim is conceptually the polar opposite of Fi. Where Fi is cold, robotic, and a spirit-like entity housed inside a sword, Ghirahim is flamboyant, borderline bipolar, and a demon-like entity that IS a sword. I don't think there's really much more to it than that.
I do think it was Nintendo's intention to make Ghirahim and Fi polar opposites, as you said, but in terms of the in-game lore, I think otherwise.

There is no confirmation of him actually being a sword, there is only that one line, were he states that he is a Demon.... or a "Weapon" (referring to that sword). Now according to biblical passages, Demons can hide within an object or impersonate it, which is what I think Ghirahim was simply doing. As a surviving remnant of Demise's army, Ghirahim was simply preserving Demise's sword for when his master returned. This is my interpretation, there is no canon information to suggest either, but I see this as the more logical explanation.

All of my ^s. Is there a reason why he can't be both or...
Well a Demonis hard to really identify, a Demon is a spirit-like entity, they aren'tliving ccreatures but can take on the form of such beings through ppossession. It's hard enough to discuss a Demon, never mind in a game, so technically that form of Ghirahim is a manifestation. Howeve, I believe his physical appearance is down to him possessing the sword (more so his final form).

I guess he could be the spiritual embodiment of the sword; however, I think he was simply holding on to the sword (taking it into his possession) and awaiting his Master's return were he would relinquish the sword for his master and then offer his power to Demise himself.
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May 18, 2013
Well a Demonis hard to really identify, a Demon is a spirit-like entity, they aren'tliving ccreatures but can take on the form of such beings through ppossession. It's hard enough to discuss a Demon, never mind in a game, so technically that form of Ghirahim is a manifestation. Howeve, I believe his physical appearance is down to him possessing the sword (more so his final form).

I guess he could be the spiritual embodiment of the sword; however, I think he was simply holding on to the sword (taking it into his possession) and awaiting his Master's return were he would relinquish the sword for his master and then offer his power to Demise himself.
Fictional settings tend to ever so slightly redefine sertain aspect of real world mythologies.

What exactly are you trying to say? Are you asking wither Ghirahim was a person and then he took over the role of being Demises sword? Or that he is actually a manifestation of the sword, and thus originally from the sword? so, is that it?

In either case, he is part of Demises' army, wether he's originally a sword or a person.


Jul 1, 2012
Fictional settings tend to ever so slightly redefine sertain aspect of real world mythologies.
I guess that could be the case, but there is no clear indication as to what a Demon means in terms of this series, so this is all I can go off.
Sroa Link said:
What exactly are you trying to say? Are you asking wither Ghirahim was a person and then he took over the role of being Demises sword? Or that he is actually a manifestation of the sword, and thus originally from the sword? so, is that it?
I think it's common knowledge that Ghirahim is a part of Demise's army, I kind of realised that anyway. However, I'm trying to say that I don't think there is any in-game connection between Fi and Ghirahim - they may be polar opposites, as the intention of Nintendo, but within the lore of the game, I wouldn't make that connection. Also, I was trying to explain that Ghirahim isn't simply a sword or spirit of the sword, but instead a Demon entity who takes on that physical manifestation of Demise's sword to actually keep it safe for his master's return.


May 18, 2013
I guess that could be the case, but there is no clear indication as to what a Demon means in terms of this series, so this is all I can go off.
Yeah, the series is pretty vague about it. We don't know if it's a race or just a group of evil people with a common goal or whatever.

I think it's common knowledge that Ghirahim is a part of Demise's army, I kind of realised that anyway. However, I'm trying to say that I don't think there is any in-game connection between Fi and Ghirahim - they may be polar opposites, as the intention of Nintendo, but within the lore of the game, I wouldn't make that connection.
Yeah, but Fi's origin is explained whereas Ghirahim's origin was more mysterious, people would tend to think of them as opposites, even if they're not, at least they're not as explicit as Dark Link, also, Ghirahim had combat powers, he fought Link outside of his sword form, whereas Fi didn't display any combat abilities, did she?

Also, I was trying to explain that Ghirahim isn't simply a sword or spirit of the sword, but instead a Demon entity who takes on that physical manifestation of Demise's sword to actually keep it safe for his master's return.
If that's the case, why does he become Demise's sword?


Jul 1, 2012
Yeah, but Fi's origin is explained whereas Ghirahim's origin was more mysterious, people would tend to think of them as opposites, even if they're not, at least they're not as explicit as Dark Link, also, Ghirahim had combat powers, he fought Link outside of his sword form, whereas Fi didn't display any combat abilities, did she?

If that's the case, why does he become Demise's sword?
Well that's the thing, he doesn't "become" Demise' sword, the scene in which this event happens shows Demise pin Ghirahim up in mid air and draw the sword from within him. Then Ghirahim seems to enter the sword or add his own power to the sword - Similar to the Sacred Flames that powered up the original Master Sword.


May 18, 2013
Well that's the thing, he doesn't "become" Demise' sword, the scene in which this event happens shows Demise pin Ghirahim up in mid air and draw the sword from within him. Then Ghirahim seems to enter the sword or add his own power to the sword - Similar to the Sacred Flames that powered up the original Master Sword.
So, does that mean Ghirahim had free will? Did he originate before the sword? Or is he an extension of Demise's will?
Feb 23, 2011
Just imagine that Ghirahim is the antithesis to Fi, and there you have your answer.

Also, the markings underneath Lord Ghirahim's left eye are actually his "true form" peering through, or so says the Nintendo guys...

Why is this stuff still being asked when it has already been answered to death?

To sleep I go...


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