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Who is Your Favorite Assasins Creed Main Character?

Which one was your favorite Assasin?

  • Altaïr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ezio Auditore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Connor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aveline

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edward Kenway

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Shay Patrick Cormac

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Arno Victor Dorian

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


And now.. That imp has it
Nov 4, 2013
So, I'm a huge Assasins Creed fan. The gameplay might be scripted and repetitive, and yes, every game practically does the same thing. But I think that it does this same thing pretty damn good. I love the free-roaming gameplay, the epic war between Assasins and templars, the awesome combat mechanics, the excellend stealth and the various characters. We've seen some pretty cool Assasins in the series so far; Altaïr, Ezio, Connor, Aveline and Edward Kenway.


Now the series will have two new lead characters with Shay Patrick Cormac (AC: Rogue) and Arno Victor Dorian (AC: Unity). What do you think about these new characters? Why do you like or dislike them? And vote in the poll which one is your absolute favorite!



つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Ezio is hands down my favourite character, easily. I think he has the unfair advantage of being featured in more titles than the others, but through-out AC2 and all of its sequels we see him develop much more as a character than any of the other Assassins ever do; from a kid growing up in blooming Florence and doing what he likes, over-confident and petulant, to becoming a very wise and old Grandmaster of the Assassin order. I also think he has a lot of personality, something that Connor especially was pretty devoid of, and he's quite likeable because of everything he gets up to, another thing that Connor did not have. The best writing in a videogame is when you care for a character and they're believable, in both their personality and reasons for why they do the things they do, and I think Ezio is a good example of such things.

I like Altair too but I felt he didn't grow as much as a character, it was all squeezed into a single game, and it was Ubisoft's first go at this and so the game itself wasn't as good. As I've mentioned before Connor was just a terrible character, he's the bottom of the barrel, the only redeeming quality about him being that I quite like his design. Edward was, again, an alright character, I thought he had a quite decent personality, but I didn't think it was all believable enough in AC4.

As for the new guys, Shay seems like a bit of a *******. That traitor! But could be quite interesting, it's a new concept to the franchise and I hope he's got more to him than just being a big generic ball of hatred for his past comrades. Arno, well, for a start I love his design! And I think he's in the best setting since Renaissance Italy. I haven't read too much about him but he seems like more of an Ezio than a Connor, which is always good. Can't wait to play both games, I just hope Ubisoft do eventually port Rogue to PC like they said they might, otherwise I won't be able to play it.


The game is on!
I think the two new characters look pretty cool, especially Arno. Since I don't know anything about their personalities though I can't vote for either of them.

My absolute favourite of the main assassins thus far is definitely Edward. I just felt that I could sympathize the most with him. I really love the fact that he wields two swords at a time and, well, that he is a flippin' pirate! :cool: Assassin's Creed IV is also my favourite of the AC games.

Also, I just gotta add that out of the four main assassins whose personalities I truly know (Altaïr, Ezio, Connor and Edward), Ezio is probably my least favourite one. Don't get me wrong, I do like him a lot, I just like the other three more. I'm pretty sure Ezio is the favourite for most AC fans, but in some cases I just think that's because he got to star in three whole games unlike any of the others (except for Altaïr, but his appearances in AC2 and ACR were so minor anyway).


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Okay, feel free to throw tomatoes at me: I voted for Connor! :sweat: While I do agree that his character is for the most part bland in comparison to the other assassins, I enjoyed the simple story surrounding the young assassin: revenge. Also, I think the motivation surrounding his own father, Haytham, was a solid outing in which Connor could develop as an assassin and character. Ultimately, I kind of like Haytham more than his son, keeping the old plot twist in mind! :lol: Also, I feel like Connor's overall 'blank slate' allowed me as a player to almost assume the mantle of Connor. I felt as if I was the assassin.

In terms of character, I think Ezio takes the cake in a storied development. You see a man, young and brash, eventually develop into a well-refined individual coupled with a calm ruthlessness that helps him develop as an assassin. With Roger Craig Smith taking Ezio's reigns as the voice, it just makes Ezio even cooler! :cool: Brotherhood was the chance I had to sit with Ezio, since I never had the chance to play II, which appears to be the primary fan favorite. (Well, I've played parts of it, at least!) I also think Altair is pretty cool, since like Connor, he plays a more silent role on some respects. I enjoyed his relatively simple story in the first game. Since I have not played Revelations, I cannot speak for Altair's story, but from what I hear, his character develops immensely.

As for Eddy and Aveline, I have not played their respective games, so I cannot speak for them. Both, I think are unique assassins in their own right! Our new friends have an interesting aura about them. I like Arno's character because he seems rather refined, like Ezio, but has this air of ruthlessness and dedication, much like Altair. His robes are also really something, too. They look as if they represent the discord of the French Revolution. Shay, on the other hand, looks extremely refined, and his robes and attire are extremely organized. Such is the parallel between Assassin and Templar. I personally am looking forward to play as Shay, since I really like his design, and I think his character has an intriguing setup at hand. You can count on me buying Rogue, also because the next generation eludes my grasp!


And now.. That imp has it
Nov 4, 2013
I totally agree with Mido. Pretty much the entire AC community loves Ezio the most, but I really liked Connor. I know he wasn't the most outspoken lead character, but he was just so badass. He always kept his cool and his mission was to get revenge. I loved the setting in AC III the most so far too; the American civil war. That mixed up with Connor as a native American and that his father was a templar made the game one awesome trip for me.
Aug 18, 2009
I have only played ACII: Brutherhood, so I have to vote Ezio. He was so cool and I thought he looked like one of my brothers. :P Also, his clothing compared to the others looks better. And like Pendio said, I don't know much about the two new guys, so I can't really vote for them. Ezio for the win.


Feb 25, 2010
Well, someone has to defend Altair. He's by far the best of the assassins. He was the one that created all the techniques that all the others used. I'm also a bit biased, as I began playing before the second came out.


And now.. That imp has it
Nov 4, 2013
Well, someone has to defend Altair. He's by far the best of the assassins. He was the one that created all the techniques that all the others used. I'm also a bit biased, as I began playing before the second came out.

I've been a fan of the series since the first one as well, but still I prefer Connor. I'm really starting to like Shay Patrick Cormac however. He's an Assasin that turned Templar and is now hunting down other Assasins. I'm almost feel sad that I sold my PS3 and bought a PS4. I'd love to play Rogue. Still, I've seen AC: Unity at the Gamescom in Köln and I'm really looking forward to it. AC: Unity and Shadow of Mordor are my most anticipated games for this year.
Dec 28, 2010
The Mines of Moria
I'd say, although I think all of the main series Assassins are fantastic with their different personalities, (I'm happy to see someone has already defended Connor ^_^) I have to go with Altair, I really love his lifelong dedication to the Creed and the way his character develops through the first game.
Don't get me wrong though, Ezio, Connor, Aveline, Edward and Adewale (don't forget him!) are very close behind, and I couldn't choose a second place. I'm also one of the seemingly rare fans who've always been a fan of Desmond and his story through the games. The "Desmond Files" in Revelations are a section of the game people often overlook but they give a really good insight into Desmond's life, fleshing out his character just as the Homestead missions did for Connor. I could go on and on about these characters! :P
Dec 28, 2010
The Mines of Moria
I thought the setting for III was definitely good, but I felt it was weaker than the others because of the lack of towering buildings to climb, same with IV but there wasn't such a focus on the cities there obviously.


Feb 25, 2010
I've been a fan of the series since the first one as well, but still I prefer Connor.

Really? I can understand Ezio or Edward, but Connor just seemed really dull to me. I didn't play any of the DLC, which could have something to do with it, but I was kinda disappointed with his character as a whole.
Dec 28, 2010
The Mines of Moria
Really? I can understand Ezio or Edward, but Connor just seemed really dull to me. I didn't play any of the DLC, which could have something to do with it, but I was kinda disappointed with his character as a whole.

Did you play the homestead missions in III? I found they really opened up Connor's character :)


Feb 25, 2010
Did you play the homestead missions in III? I found they really opened up Connor's character :)

I did, but they were kinda forgettable. The rest of the characters in 3 were well written, but Connor just seemed to serious, and boring. I kinda wish they had stuck with Haytham the whole game, it would have been very interesting to see things from the other side.

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