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Who Could the Main Antagonist Be?


Nov 12, 2010
(Forgive me if this is already a post)
A lot of people have seen the GDC trailer which showed a mysterious figure. Could he be our main antagonist? Possibly. We know for sure that it will not be Ganondorf, as he was introduced in OoT. If I recall correctly, Miyamoto confirmed SS was before OoT, so he's ruled out.

Who could it possibly be other than this mysterious fellow? We know so little about this guy, since we've only seen his picture, no back story, or even a name. Could it be a random Main Antagonist like Dark Link in AoL? Or could it be a person that we've never seen before, like Zant in TP? (I count Zant as the Antagonist, since Ganondorf abruptly appeared at the end, like he did in the OoX games)

Post your thoughts below!


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Oh, wow. Ironic that I posted an article about this sort of thing at Zelda World a week ago.


(My beliefs, straight from the article):
We know that the “dark interlopers” were part of a war to find the Sacred Realm. Some people would say, “Well, that’s the war in Ocarina of Time’s back-story. The “’Unifying War.’” I say otherwise. Yes, the “Unifying War” was over gaining access to the Sacred Realm and the power held within it, just like the war mentioned by Lanayru in Twilight Princess. However, the Temple of Time had already been constructed before the “Unifying War.” Proof? Well, there’s a story told in Ocarina of Time that tells of a boy who’s father was killed in the raging war and who’s mother was mortally wounded. This boy’s mother took him to the Great Deku Tree Kokiri Forest out of desperation. We know this child to be the Link of Ocarina of Time. Unless that Link lived a very long time and stayed a baby during it, the “Unifying War” has to be right before the events of Ocarina of Time.

Now, more about the Temple of Time itself. In the Chamber of Sages, Rauru said, “We ancient Sages built the Temple of Time…” Ancient Sages. That means that the Temple of Time was built in ancient times, long before Ocarina of Time. Plus, we know that in the war mentioned in Twilight Princess, the Sacred Realm was open to where it could be accessed by anyone. The Temple of Time was built as a defense for the Sacred Realm with the Master Sword as the final barrier, as well as the key to opening the Sacred Realm itself. All that said, the “Unifying War” and the war in Twilight Princess’s back-story can’t be one-in-the-same. This leaves a perfect spot for the “dark interlopers” to come about in Skyward Sword, as it’s set before long Ocarina of Time. And with the “army of evil” in the land below Skyloft along with the fact that Skyloft was once part of Hyrule, the war mentioned in Twilight Princess has a strong possibility of being in Skyward Sword’s back-story, if not still going on in-game. (Skyloft was separated from Hyrule, or maybe what will become Hyrule, due to the “army of Evil, which could exist due to the “dark interlopers.”) The “dark interlopers” being sealed at the end of the game would work perfectly, as well. Saying all that, what better time for the Temple of Time to be constructed than after the events of Skyward Sword? And wouldn’t it make sense for the Skyward Sword to become the Master Sword at that point? While that’s just speculation, it’s a good prediction. This is why I say that the “pale figure” is a “dark interloper,” if not their leader. (Now, yes, I did say that I think it’s equally possible for the “pale figure” to be something entirely new, but that’s only because we don’t know what or who he is yet). All that said, there’s really no possibility for this “pale figure” to be anything but a “dark interloper” or something entirely new.


Nov 12, 2010
Now, more about the Temple of Time itself. In the Chamber of Sages, Rauru said, “We ancient Sages built the Temple of Time…” Ancient Sages. That means that the Temple of Time was built in ancient times, long before Ocarina of Time. Plus, we know that in the war mentioned in Twilight Princess, the Sacred Realm was open to where it could be accessed by anyone. The Temple of Time was built as a defense for the Sacred Realm with the Master Sword as the final barrier, as well as the key to opening the Sacred Realm itself. All that said, the “Unifying War” and the war in Twilight Princess’s back-story can’t be one-in-the-same. This leaves a perfect spot for the “dark interlopers” to come about in Skyward Sword, as it’s set before long Ocarina of Time. And with the “army of evil” in the land below Skyloft along with the fact that Skyloft was once part of Hyrule, the war mentioned in Twilight Princess has a strong possibility of being in Skyward Sword’s back-story, if not still going on in-game. (Skyloft was separated from Hyrule, or maybe what will become Hyrule, due to the “army of Evil, which could exist due to the “dark interlopers.”) The “dark interlopers” being sealed at the end of the game would work perfectly, as well. Saying all that, what better time for the Temple of Time to be constructed than after the events of Skyward Sword? And wouldn’t it make sense for the Skyward Sword to become the Master Sword at that point? While that’s just speculation, it’s a good prediction. This is why I say that the “pale figure” is a “dark interloper,” if not their leader. (Now, yes, I did say that I think it’s equally possible for the “pale figure” to be something entirely new, but that’s only because we don’t know what or who he is yet). All that said, there’s really no possibility for this “pale figure” to be anything but a “dark interloper” or something entirely new.

That makes perfect sense. (sorry for the late reply, I was kinda busy) I think that the pale figure could be the leader of the dark interlopers. Maybe the final battle will be against multiple fellas, like in ALttP against Ganon's alter ego, Aganhim, where you fought three as opposed to just one guy. Now, that wasn't the final battle, but it was darn close. If it really and truly ends up being him, I won't be too surprised. I didn't want to just go outright and say "Yeah, that dude is obviously the antagonist!" Since we don't even know his name yet.

Through another perspective, he might be a friend of yours instead. He may be another sword spirit, like Zorana (or whatever the Master Sword spirit's name is) that may be actually the sword spirit of the main antagonist. It's quite possible, since a pale guy sitting on a pedestal doesn't totally scream "Hey, I'm a good guy!" I wouldn't be surprised if he was the main antagonist, or the main antagonist's sword's spirit. In fact, now I'm hoping that it's this fella.

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
What is the main antagonist is Ganon(dorf) and this new Pale Guy is spirit inside the Trident of Power.

Just a Thought.

Goron Link

Keep on Roll'n
Apr 1, 2011
Death Mountain
Impossible, he was introduced in OoT, so he can't be in SS.
It is Possible that it could be Ganondorfs Father Ganondorf Dragmire But it is very possible that the pale figure could be the Villian of the game It's also possible that he could be an Ally


Nov 12, 2010
It is Possible that it could be Ganondorfs Father Ganondorf Dragmire But it is very possible that the pale figure could be the Villian of the game It's also possible that he could be an Ally
I like that idea a lot. See how Ganondorf's father was, it adds flavor to Ganondorf, too.

Goron Link

Keep on Roll'n
Apr 1, 2011
Death Mountain
Exacly We could also get more Backstory on ganondorf. Maybe if were Could see Baby Ganondorf
( Renember Koume & Kokete were about 400 years old so it is possible we may see baby ganondorf in this game)

Caleb, Of Asui

I like the idea of his father making an appearance, but not necessarily as the main villain, as I feel this would be likely to somehow break the continuity between Ocarina of Time and Ganondorf's backstory. If he does make an appearance, I doubt that the character introduced in the GDC trailer is him. He just doesn't seem to fit the role visually, and his warping away at the end of the trailer is more redolent of the Twili than it is of Ganon/dorf or the Gerudo.

Goron Link

Keep on Roll'n
Apr 1, 2011
Death Mountain
OoT was enough of a backstory on Ganondorf, I think we need some new villains. I like ole Gannon as much as anyone but he is overused new blood is not bad at all. Even if it is his father which would technically be different, I still would rather have an unrelated villain

True But he is A Classic Villan. I would like to see his father maybe he doesn't have to be the main villain he could make a Cameo in a village or somthing tending to baby ganondorf?
True But he is A Classic Villan. I would like to see his father maybe he doesn't have to be the main villain he could make a Cameo in a village or somthing tending to baby ganondorf?

Didn't Twinrova raise him though? They are said to be surrogate mothers but idk. Also I thought this took place long before OoT but I am not sure, has their been any say on exactly how far before OoT takes place?
Apr 12, 2011
I'm still not totally convinced there will be no Ganondorf as an antagonist. I'm just remaining neutral to that whole idea. In an interview when asked if Ganondorf is in Skyward Sword, Miyamoto said "no comment" so that's where my head is pretty much at.

I'm not sure who the Vaati-resembling guy is like everyone else. I don't think he's an antagonist as he just doesn't have that look to me.


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
Ganondorf doesn't have a father. You could say that the male gerudo born 100 years earlier is his father, but technically, he's not, since he's dead before Ganon comes around.


Feb 7, 2011
Hunting with my wolf and cheetah.
I don't think it's likely that Ganondorf's father will make an appearance. The space between OoT and SS must be large enough for the Master Sword to become legendary. That usually takes many, many years. IF we see a relationship to Ganondorf, it might be his great-great-grandfather, though I'd rather if it wasn't.

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