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Staff member

Faltou luz mas era dia
O sol invadiu a sala
Fez da TV um espelho
Refletindo o que a gente esquecia

Faltou luz mas era dia (dia)
Faltou luz mas era dia (dia dia)

O som das crianças brincando nas ruas
Como se fosse um quintal
A cerveja gelada na esquina
Como se espantasse o mal

Um chá pra curar esta azia
Um bom chá pra curar esta azia

Todas as ciências
De baixa tecnologia
Todas as cores escondidas
Nas nuvens da rotina

Pra gente ver
Por entre os prédios e nós
Pra gente ver
O que sobrou do céu
Power was out but it was morn
The sun infiltrated the room
Turned the TV into a mirror
Reflecting everything we had forgotten

Power was out but it was morn (morn)
Power was out but it was morn (morn morn)

The sound of the kids playing in the streets
As if they were in a garden
The cold beer at the streetcorner
As if it frightened the evil

A tea to heal this heartburn
A great tea to heal this heartburn

All the sciences
That are low-tech
All the colors hidden
In the clouds of the routine

So we see
Through the buildings and ourselves
So we see
What remains of the sky
prolly noone cares about the translation but I tried anyway :v

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