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Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
the price that we pay for the lives we betrayed, only washes away, when we turn to stardust..

Ok this, this was a musical experience. Thank you for sharing!

Before I was listening to this, I came here to drop this:

Which used to be my least favorite Attack on Titan opening theme. I disliked it a lot but it has grown on me. The full version is an epic power ballad that I just dig a lot.
Ok this, this was a musical experience. Thank you for sharing!
Mechina is absolutely one of my favorite bands. They have a very unique mix of space opera and technical death metal, to put it as simple as possible. Three vocalists for very different character roles in their storytelling, although usually only ever two feature on one track at a time. And they frequently put out new stuff.

Listening to this epic now :goron:

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