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Which is It - Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess?

Which is It - Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess?

  • Ocarina of Time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Twilight Princess

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Link x Zelda
Feb 7, 2011
Wow, what a question. Both games are SO AMAZING that it's hard for me to pick between the two. TP and OoT are my two favorites. :D

Twilight Princess:
-The characters. There are so many new and amazing characters and they all have so much personality! I feel like I really know and can relate to the characters in TP, unlike some of the other games. (Colin is my favorite minor character. I LOVE him, he's adorable <3) Epona was also faster. C:
-Even though the dungeons aren't hard, they are still cool, and the items are really neat. What I liked that's different from the other games is that you have so many other cool quests inbetween dungeons, such as collecting the tears of light, saving the kids, recovering Ilia's memory, etc. That way you don't get bored doing a bunch of dungeons in a row.
I could go on, I think Twilight Princess is a really amazing game, with a really cool storyline and so full of personality.

Now for Ocarina of Time :)
-OoT is one of the best. The dungeons were really cool and challenging. Although I didn't like the Shadow Temple, because I hate zombie enemies and all that other creepy stuff. But I LOVED doing the Gerudo Fortress. Sneaking around, shooting and fighting gerudos, and all that other cool stuff made me feel like a ninja. xDDDD The training grounds in the Gerudo Fortress are also great. I like the water temple :D it is confusing but it's fun.
-It was also really fun to race the dude to get Epona. I thoroughly enjoyed throwing his ego on the ground and stomping on it when I beat him and ran away with his prize horse. xDDD
Ocarina of Time, as I said before, is one of the best. It's just so much fun to play overall.

So there's my positive viewpoints on both games. :DD I can't chose between them.
Nov 29, 2010
It has wonderful cit scenes which i just love.
I thought TP's cut scenes where really poor.
Check this cutscene below.
I was not mad about Link turning into a Wolf either.

And i felt the overall music in TP was a poor comparison to OoT.
And also OoT we saw fore the first time Zora's and Gorons two new races.

Although lttp will always be my number one Zelda,OoT was a groundbreaking game with the introduction of two new races and going to 3d.
Nov 7, 2010
this is why have top 5 zelda TIE rulez :cool:



I felt that Twilight Princess was a lot more, story driven. I also loved how Midna's back story un-folded during the game. Navi didn't have a back story, as far as I know.

Ocarina of Time though, was a MUCH better game. It was also my FIRST Legend of Zelda game, and also the first game I EVER played. Twilight Princess just didn't have that much of a "grip" on me. I beat OoT 13 times, and TP only once.

The one thing that annoyed me the most in Twilight Princess was the whole Twilight gimmack. It was something new, but I don't think it had to be to repetitive. Find the god, find the tears of light, finish the Twilight. It got to boring for me. OoT was fun. I liked the Time travel.

If I had to pick, OoT any day.

Being your first game does not mean anything. Sonic Heroes (I'm 11) was my first game and I like Unleashed Colors and Generations way better. Same thing with Zelda, Ocarina was the first Zelda I played but I like TP better, so your argument is invalid because if Oot is your first game and there is an 8 year gap between the 2 games then your either an Ocarina fanboy, not a zelda fan, but an Ocarina fan, or you really believe what you said, which I doubt because you said 0 goods things about TP, 1 bad thing about it. 1 good thing about oot (without explaining why) and 0 bad things about it, and you only were only focusing on the gimmicks, What about story music dungeons items bosses graphics gameplay and presentation, maybe you think the other aspects of TP are better than Oot but your defending your childhood. I do agree that TP didn't really have a grip, but for me it was like yes there is, no there isn't, rinse and repeat. I did end up having the grip during the ending luckily. Ocarina of Time doesn't suck thought, it's just my 6th or 5th favorite, maybe 4th, and Twilight Princess is my 2nd favorite. Oot is not the best game of all time, Mario Galaxy is, look up the scores.
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
OoT is my game. Nothing else can be said. TP is a lot easier and that alone detracted heavily from my experience.


Jul 1, 2012
If we're comparing the games on an even plain then Twilight Princess would easily be my choice...

- A larger and more expansive over world.
- Greater combat mechanics and more variety as well as depth.
- Greater controls and much more efficient.
- A more engaging story with a sense of realism and darker themes.
- More advanced characters with greater depth and character development.
- A large improvement on graphics and a more realistic graphical style.
- A lot more atmosphere and a soundtrack that compliments the current situation.
- Generally a lot more content and things to do.
- More emphasis on exploration and adventure.
-A more open and less compact over world.

Well of course Ocarina of Time has its own advantages but I think the point I am trying to make is that Twilight Princess is the better game however if we are going off the time of release and the impact, then it changes the argument completely. Ocarina of Time was groundbreaking in a number of ways and it changed the series as we know it, I don't think OoT was the sole reason for the transformation of the series as I think a bit of recognition has to go to AlttP but overall OoT was certainly revolutionary. Was Twilight Princess as groundbreaking as Ocarina of Time? In my opinion no, but I don't think any game will ever match the effects that that OoT had, I mean OoT made the world into a 3D world generally making a more immersive world. Unless a Zelda game changes it's formula completely or changes the dynamics of how we play, I don't think any game will match what Ocarina of Time originally did.

I think Ocarina of Time is a fairly basic game and if it was to be released now but obviously with improved mechanics, matching the modern era I don't think it would have as big of effect as it once did. In a way Ocarina of Time is the perfect formula for a Zelda game, a template to work off an improve off, it has been the general template for many 3D games to come after and I still think it will be for many years to come. So even though for its time Ocarina of Time was groundbreaking I still think Twilight Princess wins as it improved on many aspects and in away I like to thing as TP as the new template to work off to build an amazing Zelda game.
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I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Well, i hate debates over games, but i have to reply to this. The OoT people will forever hate me.

IMO, OoT wasn't that great. TP was my first Zelda game. Its what got me hooked on the series. it's my fave game. I liked the music, the dungeons, and the Twilight. OoT was like this for gameplay: beginning------------------------------------------------end. As in, VERY linear. there's no sidequests, nothing to do when you're sick of playing the storyline/ragequit. but in TP, there's other things you can do. Minigames, I guess. But I just LOVE TP for a lot of reasons I can't think of ATM because it's 8:16a and my brain's not working. OoT in my #3, TP #1

^What he said^


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
TP. It's more or less OoT, but improved in nearly every way. Graphics are better, story is better, overworld is larger and yet easier to get across, combat is miles past its predecessors, same with horse combat, is fairly more challenging than its predecessors, particularly with sidequests in mind, makes better use of its linearity than OoT did, and has better mini games--though I do admit I will miss OoT's shooting gallery.

The only thing I would say TP is inherently better at is music.

EDIT: I just realized this is a zombie thread. I should have known when I saw Azure Sage's post. Who revived this?


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
I prefer Ocarina of time because of Nostalgia (although that seems a little biased). And I also like the plot; it's very upbeat and interesting. I like the characters a lot, and the monsters were awesome. I also like the music a lot more, plus the instrument is an Ocarina (I have an Ocarina because of this game :bleh: ). I like the awesome fantastical feeling of the game, and I like the idea of Link travelling through time. Be reminded this was basically my first game I've played aside from not remembering ALttP, and playing Nancy Drew games, so it was very fantastical to me. :3


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
Ocarina of Time. I liked Twilight Princess and thought it was a great game, though it'll always be OoT for me. :eek:carina:


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Occarina of Time for me. I love Twilight Princess, I do, but OoT just holds my heart. Could be because while motion controls are entertaining, they can also become annoying, and I end up feeling like putting them down after a while (am looking for TP on GC to see if maybe that will make a difference...)

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