Depends on which Link we're talking about.
OoT/ MM Link= Definitely Malon. Zelda, Saria and Ruto aren't real options due to story reasons, and I just think Malon has the quite, simple-but-strong type of personality that would suite Link after all he's been through. Plus, I just like the idea of them founded Ordon Ranch together.
WW/ PH Link= Zelda/ Tetra. Seems pretty much obvious.
TP Link= Idk... haha hardly remember remember TP well enough. Midna seems unlikely, and Link and Zelda barely even knew each other in this one. Perhaps Beth?
LoZ/ Zelda II= Zelda, clearly. Haha or one of those health-regenerating ladies in Zelda II.
LttP/OoA/OoS/LA= Haha this guy went on so many adventures, he probably just stayed a bachelor his whole life.
That's all I'm really knowledgeable enough to guess on. Personally, I'm almost always against the Zelda/ Link shipping in general... it just seems so cliche, simplistic, haha and borderline incestuous if repeated over and over. I've especially always been against Zelda and Link in OoT... but perhaps that's just me.