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Which Game is the Most Over-rated?

Aug 21, 2012
...turn around
Definitly Ocarina of Time
almost every Zelda fan I've met in real life says that's they're favorite game, but when I first started playing it I thought....whyyyy???!!
but as I got further into the game, I started to like it better, but I still think that Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, The Wind Waker, and even Oracle of Ages were better than it.
Actually, come to think about it, I think that all the 3D games are the most over-rated in the series
sometimes, people completely overlook the 2D games because 'they're probably not as good' or some reason like that. Which isn't TRue!! Those games are just as good if not better! (the oracles get overlooked alot, and they're GREAT!)


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
Definitely Skyward Sword (sorry JJ)

Maybe it was because its the first Zelda game that came out while I was intensely following the Zelda series, so to me it felt extremely hyped up. It lived up to expectations in some ways, and in some ways it didn't. While Skyward Sword is a stellar video game, it's not a stellar Zelda game. Plus, there are multiple blatant flaws in the game as well (IMO at least). I don't think it deserves all of the praise it's getting


Nanomachines, son.
Apr 12, 2012
Definitely the CD-I games, look how many videos are based off them on youtube with tons of views.

But seriously, Ocarina of Time is. Every time I even ask someone about Zelda, they always respond with something Ocarina of Time related. Honestly I can't lie, it and MM are my favorites, but from what I've seen, others treat it like it's the only game/only good game in the series.

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