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Which 3d Zelda Game Has the Best/your Favorite Dungeons Overall?

Which game has the best overall dungeons?

  • Ocarina of Time

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Majora's Mask

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Wind Waker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Twilight Princess

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Skyward Sword

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
From worst to best:

5. Twilight Princess

Favorites: Goron Mines, Arbiter's Grounds, Temple of Time, City in the Sky
Least Favorites: Forest Temple
Why I think it's number five: Don't get me wrong, every 3D Zelda game is great, however, some are better than others. TP is trumped by the others in terms of dungeon design. I felt like there was too little to do in the open spaces of the dungeons and they were plagued by filler material. The bosses were colossal but they were also some of the most predictable and easy to defeat in franchise history.

4. Skyward Sword

Favorites: Skyview Temple, Lanayru Mining Facility, Ancient Cistern, Sandship
Least Favorites: Earth Temple, Fire Sanctuary
Why I think it's number four: Skyward Sword was a marvel unto itself in dungeon design. I felt that the first three dungeons were rather short, however, the second half more than made up for this shortcoming. The boss of the Ancient Cistern-Koloktos was among my favorites in franchise history. One nice cherry on top was also the fact that the boss key unto itself was a small puzzle to unravel. also, it's nice that for many dungeons, Nintendo ditched the idea of a single theme.

3. The Wind Waker

Favorites: Forsaken Fortress, Tower of the Gods
Least Favorites: Forest Haven
Why I think it's number three: The Wind Waker had less dungeons than most Zelda games, however, they were exceptionally designed. I especially enjoyed having to visit the Forsaken Fortress multiple times and seeing it change with each visit. The flooded Tower of the Gods was also a very interesting dungeon that was key to the story. The boss of that dungeon though was slightly disappointing. The last tow dungeons were also forgettable. The Wind Waker found strength in its excellent sidequests and portrayal of Ganondorf.

2. Majora's Mask

Favorites: Snowhead Temple, Great Bay Temple, Stone Tower Temple
Least Favorites: Woodfall Temple
Why I think it's number two: Majora's Mask is the epitome of how to make an effective Zelda game with very few dungeons. All of the featured dungeons were incredibly expansive and always had you o your toes especially with the game's 72 hour limit. The bosses were colossal as well but unlike those in Twilight Princess, their patterns were not predictable and taking most of them out was a pain. Also, I loved how you turned into a giant Young Link in the Stone Tower Temple boss battle.

1. Ocarina of Time

Favorites: Dodongo's Cavern, Forest Temple, Spirit Temple, Shadow Temple
Least favorites: Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Why I think it's number one: Pure videogame bliss. That is the embodiment of all Ocarina of Time is. The child portion of the game although got you into the action right away but everything got better as Link matured. The Forest temple has arguably the best dungeon design in franchise history whereas Bongo Bongo is my favorite boss the series has to offer. The emotions you felt traversing the dungeons in Ocarina of Time were phenomenal. Also, none of the puzzles were obvious but they weren't impossible either. It's never a chore for me to replay them nowadays. For all its achievements and revolutions in the industry, dungeons was where Ocarina truly shined.


Wind Waker!
Apr 6, 2012
Wind Waker might be my favorite game but I have to go with Twilight Princess on this one. Yes I only just finished The Temple of Time but from what i've played the dungeons are really good, the puzzles are well thought out, the design is gorgeous, and the boss battles are a perfect mixture of tough and easy. I honestly feel that the realistic look and the dungeons go together nicely, but the puzzles and exploration in the dungeons of Twilight Princess are what really get me.
Worst to best

5. Skyward Sword

Favourite: Ancient Cistern - only because the underground Cursed Bokoblin section stood out to me as being the only semi-interesting thing in any of the dungeons throughout the entire game.

Least favourite: Sandship - while I could say every other dungeon in SS, i'll choose the Sandship because the majority of the puzzles were having to figure out which room to shoot the timeshift crystal in and that was pretty much it.

4. Wind Waker

Favourite: Tower of the Gods - It was nice to see a temple that used the King of Red Lions for some puzzles, it felt like an Ocarina temple with some nice Arrow puzzles and some of the lighting effects were really cool in this temple too. And the boss looked rather cool.

Least favourite: Forbidden Fortress - While I didn't hate any dungeon in WW, i'll go with FF because I just really hate stealth. Mostly because i suck at it.

3. Majora's Mask

Favourite: Stone tower temple - just woooooooow. <3

Least favourite: Woodfall temple - I prefer this over the Deku Tree in OoT but I really suck at flower jumping, so I'd end up on fire, down a hole or back on the ground and having to mosey all the way back. Its particularly frustrating when I just miss the last one...

2. Twilight Princess

Favourite: Hyrule Castle - yes it counts. I loved everything about this dungeon. To me it felt like a finale temple and no other Zelda game has really made me feel that with its last dungeon, I loved the misty weather effects in the graveyard, i loved the interior of the castle and how it all seemed to fit together and not just be a collection of random rooms that acted like a greatest hits of the game. (OoT+SS)

Least favourite: City in the Sky - I loved the boss fight here but the dungeon itself didn't do much to inspire me, It felt as it if was forcing too much use out of the double claw shot and there was very little room for any other item to be used. Halfway through after the mid boss fight i was so completely bored and couldn't wait until it was over. The latter part of the dungeon is worse than the first half too so that didn't help.

1. Ocarina of Time

Favourite: Spirit Temple - in my youth this temple caused me no end of grief, but after many replays its the dungeon i look forward to most, to me it looks as if TP took a lot of advice from this temple alone and i can see why. Its a joy to play and what's best you get double the fun and play half as young Link and half as adult Link, the puzzles are wonderful and the new enemies are cool such as the Anubis which mirrors your movements. It felt like a very story driven dungeon too which i also enjoyed and the boss fight is easily one of my favourites too.

Least favourite: Ganon's Castle - I shouldn't be so tough on this dungeon because it was the first 3D Zelda game and what else were they going to do.. WW did the same thing and i didn't mark it down so why OoT? Probably just because the rooms were tiny and hardly worth the hassle, it also felt as if there were too many and much like the latter half of OoT the dungeon just felt like a checklist.

My top 5 overall outside of dungeons

1. Wind Waker
2. Twilight Princess
3. Ocarina of Time
4. Majora's Mask
5. Skyward Sword

(if i could include a Link to the Past it'd knock SS off the list.)
Last edited:
Mar 1, 2017
#5 WindWaker (Obvious Choice)
My Favorites: Tower Of The Gods, Earth Temple
My Dispiced: Ganons Tower, Forsaken Fortress
Dungeon Ranking:
1. Tower Of The Gods
2. Earth Temple
3. Dragon Roost Cavern
4. Wind Temple
5. Forbidden Woods
6. Forsaken Fortress
7. Ganons Tower
Conclusion: Lame

#4 Skyward Sword
My Favorites: Ancient Cistern, Sandship, Lanayru Mining Facility
My Hated: Skyview Temple, Sky Keep
Dungeon Ranking:
1. Ancient Cistern
2. Sandship
3. Lanayru Mining Facility
4. Fire Sanctuary
5. Earth Temple
6. Sky Keep
7. Skyview Temple
Conclusion: Repetetive

#3 Majoras Mask
My Favorites: Stone Tower Temple, Great Bay Temple
My Tortured: None
Dungeon Ranking
1. Stone Tower Temple
2. Great Bay Temple
3. Snowhead Temple
4. Woodfall Temple
Conclusion: Pretty Good

#2 Ocarina Of Time
My Favorites: All Elemental Temples
My Maliced: All Child Dungeons
Dungeon Ranking:
1. Fire Temple
2. Forest Temple
3. Spirit Temple
4. Shadow Temple
5. Water Temple
6. Ganons Tower
7. Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
8. Dodongos Cavern
9. Inside The Deku Tree
Conclusion: Stay an adult.

#1 Twilight Princess
My Favorites: Arbiters Grounds, Snowpeak Ruins, City In The Sky
My Bained: Suprisingly None
Dungeon Ranking:
1. Arbiters Grounds
2. Snowpeak Ruins
3. City In The Sky
4. Lakebed Temple
5. Hyrule Castle
6. Palace Of Twilight
7. Temple Of Time
8. Goron Mines
9. Forest Temple
Conclusion: Thank God played this game

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