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Where does Clock Town get its water?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I've always found this question interesting. Where does Clock Town get its water?

There are quite a few places were it's water might come from, but there are issues which make it unlikely that it'd come from certain regions. We can omit the Woodfall Swamp out of the picture immediately. The water is poisoned, so if Clock Town's water came from that area it'd be poisoned too.

Snowhead is frozen over, most of it's water has turned to ice. In this situation a scenario like that in Twilight Princess when Zora's Domain is completely frozen over would happen. The Water in Hyrule Castle Town stopped flowing, the same thing would happen in Clock Town if its water was from Snowhead. The fact Clock Town has flowing water makes me doubt it orginates from that area.

The Great Bay is salt water, there is no way it's the source of Clock Town's Water.

Ikana Canyon has water flowing near the canyon bottom, but we don't even know were it orginates from. I used to think maybe it was the source of Clock Town's Water but there are no obvious channels redirecting water toward Clock Town.

Actually Clock Town has no channels leading toward it in the feild surrounding it. We do know that Clock Town's water flows underground, but still there should be evidence of this in the feild somewere, assuming it leads to some water source in a different area.

More recently I've pondered the idea of Clock Town being built above a underground water source. This would explain the lack of evidence suggesting the water comes from any of the surrounding regions. It also explains why Clock Town is located were it is. Normally civilizations inhabit areas closest to abundant water sources. Considering that it makes me wonder, why wasn't Clock Town built closer the Ikana Canyon? The only explanation is that Clock Town doesn't get it's water from that region, and it doesn't channel water from any regions. It has its own underground water supply.

Do you have any alternative theories? If so please share them.
Last edited:
Nov 14, 2015
The Clock Tower may have an Aquafilter built into it, so getting water from Woodfall or The Great Bay might purify it as it comes into the town?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Maybe that is what the Great Bay Temple is?

A water purification facility? It does seem as though they would have been making a lot of work for themselves purifying sea water and extracting the salt from it before transporting it to Clock Town, if that were the case.

When settlers first colonised and built Clock town they would have needed a freshwater source right away and the only two would have been from Ikana or from the Swamp which at the time would not have been poisoned.
Mar 22, 2015
The title of this thread makes my brain hurt.

Underground basin could explain it, especially bringing to mind the passage between Clock Town and the Astral Observatory which fills with groundwater. Even if water were to slowly seep from somewhere like Great Bay, the soil could act as a filter making it safer to drink. And we know it rains on the 2nd day ;)
Nov 14, 2015
A water purification facility? It does seem as though they would have been making a lot of work for themselves purifying sea water and extracting the salt from it before transporting it to Clock Town, if that were the case.

When settlers first colonised and built Clock town they would have needed a freshwater source right away and the only two would have been from Ikana or from the Swamp which at the time would not have been poisoned.
Don't know how relevant it could be to the theory, but Woodfall's water empties out from Ikana Canyon, which most likely empties out from Snowhead. Could this have been man made, to give easier access for an aquafilter as compared to building one up in the frigid mountains of Snowhead or the warring kingdoms of Ikana?

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
The laundry room has water flowing through it; I think it was flowing south judging by how the rupees move as the days pass. (I could be wrong about the direction though) this would mean that the water would likely leave town going towards the swamp. The laundry room likely receives water from the underground water system that we see in the tunnel to the observatory or the base of the clock tower.

The source of the water then would likely be the mountain spring or the Ikana River.
Nov 14, 2015
While that's a good point, I don't really think that has much to do with it, considering the water flow underneath the Clock Tower goes towards the Great Bay, meaning it could just be a circulating system.

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