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Breath of the Wild When is the next round of info coming?


Ancient Automaton
Feb 2, 2012
So, when do you think that the next round of information or maybe videos of Zelda Wii U is coming? E3 2015? Sounds a bit sad to me :/
Jun 30, 2014
I think we'll get a teaser or two-- maybe even a title-- before e3, sometime in March or April, but information won't really take off until June-- but when it does, I expect a complete flood, a la how it's typically gone down in the past.
Jan 16, 2015
Pretty sure they´ll have some information on it in a Nintendo Direct, maybe next month or so. It would be awesome if they reveal the official title for it! I think they´re saving most of the stuff for E3 however.


Jul 1, 2012
Probably a Nintendo direct or a game convention. I expect something before E3, but we'll see a lot more at E3 that's for sure.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
afaik Nintendo isn't speaking at GDC this year. They do have a booth though. Maybe there'll be a private roundtable or something, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. An "Upcoming 2015 Games" Nintendo Direct is much more likely.


The Diplomatic Dinosaur
Jul 1, 2012
Early Cretaceous North America
Right now Nintendo is focused on advertising Majora's Mask 3D so until that comes out (this month) and shortly after it comes out we won't get any more info about the game. After MM3D comes out the chances that we will learn more about Zelda Wii U will begin to rise and as we get closer to E3 we will be more likely to see information about the game come out. Then at E3 we will surely get a trailer and likely the name of the game if such a thing has not come out by that time.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Nintendo has a habit of releasing new trailers for Zelda games at the Game Developers Conference (GDC). I expect a new trailer to be released between March 2nd and the 6th.

afaik Nintendo isn't speaking at GDC this year. They do have a booth though. Maybe there'll be a private roundtable or something, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. An "Upcoming 2015 Games" Nintendo Direct is much more likely.

Nintendo hasn't had any real part in GDC since they started doing Nintendo Directs. I doubt they'll show anything big at GDC. Probably the only big thing we will see is more on the Mewtwo DLC for Smash 4, that's about it.

I expect nothing more on Zelda U before E3. All we will probably get until then is just interviews. Nintendo seems to be gun-shy to show so much of the game lately for some kind of reason. I still believe the reason is because Nintendo is aware and afraid of the chances that the game just might not be ready this year. Yet, since they care so much about what the fans think, want, and feel, when it comes to speaking out to the public, they ignore the chances of the game not being ready this year and continuously insisting a 2015 release until they realize they can't keep denying that the game just won't be ready this year.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
I'm expecting E3 to be when we actually get a release date and a sophisticated demo.

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