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When Does Salvatore's Letter Come to You?

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Wii Guy 09

You know, the one with the Wisdom Gem attached to it in PH. And yes, I did get the bomb bag from him.
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There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
For me, the letter had arrived the next time that I booted up the game. It didn't arrive during the same play-period as when I knew it would be coming. Generally I believe it takes a couple of trips between islands for mail to show up, so maybe this just happened to me because I stopped playing shortly after this point.

Maybe other people have had different experiences, but next time you play I would gather it should be waiting for you.

Wii Guy 09

okay, thanks. i just got jolean's letter along with salvatore's letter a few minutes after:D
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