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Breath of the Wild What's your favorite climate biome in BOTW?

Apr 12, 2021
What's your favorite or most frequent climate biome you like to go to? My favorite happens to be the Gerudo Highlands and the Boom Bam Golf area. The climate is unique being between desert and green. I wish proper seasons were installed then we could see howling winds in the fall/winter time thru the canyon areas that would make for some FUN flying especially ahead of a storm!
Apr 12, 2021
I really like the mountainy or upland areas, like Zora’s Domain or Akkala.
Wish it had more trees though. I wonder if it's a Japanese thing where they don't have much trees in their mountains so Nintendo of Japan doesn't realize what other mountains look like. Sort of like how Ireland and England are mostly logged out from eons ago. There's also a part bull part cow creature in one of the villages that I wonder if it's a Japanese gag also or more confusion.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Wish it had more trees though. I wonder if it's a Japanese thing where they don't have much trees in their mountains so Nintendo of Japan doesn't realize what other mountains look like. Sort of like how Ireland and England are mostly logged out from eons ago. There's also a part bull part cow creature in one of the villages that I wonder if it's a Japanese gag also or more confusion.
I don't know if they realized that it's possible to have a place without mountains whatsoever
Apr 12, 2021
Still wish they had actual you know FORESTS! Not little patches of trees they call 'woods'. Did you know California Tule Fog is WAY WAY thicker then the fog in the Lost Woods? The lost woods would be Tule Fog getting ready to burn off and society can finally go to work.


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I really love the Hebra Mountain region, especially just south of Rito Village. I like Gerudo Desert, I just wish there was more structures to kind of add character and depth to the area.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Akkala is so pretty. I can't believe I only checked out the citadel once. The area outside Hateno Village is also really nice.
Satori Mountain and the surrounding lowlands to the southwest. That whole area is my favorite place to just roam around and enjoy a slower pace away from combat, and forage for the wide assortment of stuff that grows there. I do also really enjoy the atmospheres of the Tabantha Frontier and Faron but they're not quite as calm as far as letting me focus entirely on collecting things as Mount Satori.
Apr 20, 2021
No one has mentioned Faron yet so I will chime in. The misty rainforest around Floria is absolutely my favorite locale. It is so beautiful and peaceful. I love the walk across floria bridge. Climb waterfalls, hop around and eat bananas.
Apr 12, 2021
Akkala is my favorite place to be. The cool weather, the fall foliage, the ruins, the sunrise over the ocean... It's got it all. It's my favorite region in any Zelda game.
If Hyrule had a realistic weather system would Akkala be a spot they get low level snow in the winter from NW flow like the PNW? And would it be frustrating to the point of pulling out hair to forecast due to elevation like the PNW? Here the difference between 300 feet vs 600 can mean all the world and throw everything off at the last minute.

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