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What Was YOUR Reaction When You First Played Super Smash Bros. Brawl?


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule
So the latest installment in the Smash Bros. series, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, came out in March of 2008. The second I saw the trailer for it prior to release, I made my mom drive me to GameStop to have it pre-ordered. I invited my best friend over the morning it was released and we played it non-stop all day.

I was amazed. Granted I was 12 when the game came out, it immediately became my favorite Smash Bros. game. I LOVED the final smashes, even though they are pretty cheap, and adventure mode in that game is pretty must the best we've seen so far.

Now Melee was better in some aspects, but Brawl, in my opinion, is superior. I don't like Sonic though and think he's a very cheap character. Just my opinion.

Anyways, for those of you that have played it, what was your first reaction?


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
I was very impressed on how the graphics looked. Simply amazing and realistic. The characters were truly amazing. With addition of Sonic and Snake. The replacement by others was a great idea, but I admit I do miss some of them that were in the Super Smash Bros. Melee game. The combat of each character and story was an epic win in everything. The Final Smash of every character was utterly impressive. It blew me away when I saw the Final Smash on everyone. Although some were a bit plain and cheesy, it was amazing. The game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, is a great choice for the gamers that had played the Super Smash Bros. Series from N64 to Wii.

Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
Graphics were good, but overall I was disappointed, I guess it was a pretty good game but I don't really care for mindlessly bashing eachothers head in to win games...
But at the end of the day, Zelda and Zero Suit Samus were both FREAKING FLIPPIDDY FETCHING HOT! So it was a good game! :D
Dec 13, 2012
At first I was very happy because it was a new SSB game, then after playing for a while I switched back to melee because Brawl moves waaaayyy to slow.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
At first I recognized how much more stuff there was to unlock and acquire, but as I played on I noticed how little that actually added to the game. Then, I noticed that the characters felt slower, heavier, and a bit more unresponsive than in Melee.

The graphics didn't strike me. They're a marginal improvement over Melee, sure, but Melee's graphics were more impressive by comparison.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Super Smash Bros. (as well as Super Mario 64) was the first Nintendo game I played. I was focused on the Playstation and Xbox at the time. Playing it at my friend and neighbours house, good times were had.

Moving towns made me lose my only source of Nintendo for the time-being, so onward I went through the Microsoft path, ignoring the future of Sony and remaining with its PS1 console. My reaction to finding out about Brawl was "oooooooo, looks real fun. Can't wait to play that." At this time, the only Nintendo console I had was the DS Lite, and the only series I actively followed was Mario. When Brawl came around, I still hadn't got a Wii. The opportunity arose soon enough at my friends birthday party. It blew my mind on so many levels. Everything in the game was perfect. So much depth. So smooth. So clean. Just hearing the announcer yell "FREE FOR ALL!" in the boldest and manliest voice imaginable sent a chill down my spine. The game is powerful, to say the least. Don't believe me? Just listen to this. or this. or this. or this. and that's not even digging deep.

I got a Wii for Christmas that December. It has since become a Brawl machine. It's the disc that never leaves the drive. Hundreds of memories clog my brain for what is undoubtedly THE defining Super Smash Bros. game.

What's that? Melee's better? lolno, but that's a topic for another day.
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My first reactions were 'Why the hell am i playing this and not melee? Where are my favourite characters? why does the wii-mote suck so much?'

I'd had my Wii for a little while and had never bothered to plug the Gamecube controller into any games that were compatible with it but Brawl forced me to. I enjoyed it a lot more with the GC controller but some thing still disappoint me about brawl, i don't like the tripping mechanic, i don't like that Mewtwo and Roy were dropped and that Wolf and Lucas and Ike were included. I actually preferred Melee's design in presentation to Brawl and i like the adventure mode in Melee rather than the Subspace in Brawl but the cutscenes are awesome. I also like more of the stages from Melee that didn't make it to Brawl and i think the Final Smashes kind of break the game since combat all but ends and turns into a shoving-fest to reach a smash Ball when they show up. Sonic and Snake were interesting but i don't like playing as either of them, Link and Samus also felt nerfed in Brawl so my favourites and mains had to change drastically from Melee to Brawl.

In Melee i loved and mained Samus, Link, Zelda, Roy and Mewtwo.
In Brawl i have to make do with Mario, Kirby, Lucario and Peach.
Jul 22, 2011
Blahblahblah tripping blahblahblah Roy blahblahblah physics that broke Melee but apparently people liked them.....

My reaction was odd.... I was still in shock that I actually got my hands on the game, but I played it for weeks and weeks until my fingers bled from enjoyment.


Down for maintenance.
Apr 26, 2012
It felt like one of the best games I'd ever played. I still have that sensation.

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