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What Ork Clan Would You Like to Belong To?

Which Ork Clan Would You Be In?

  • Bad Moons

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Evil Sunz

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Deathskulls

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Goffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Snakebites

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blood Axes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Freebooterz

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


The Haunter of the Dark
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
In Warhammer 40K, Orks have different clans, not really communities of Orks, but moreso a cultural grouping that shares a particular Orkish philosophy. Remember, Orks are all about getting a good krumpin', so peace is never an option.

So out of the different Ork clans, which one would like to be a part of?

Here are the different clans and what they're all about to help you make your decision.


Armed To Da Teef.

Relic: Da Gobshot Thunderbuss.

ArtStation - Bad Moon Big Boss

Bad Moons are the wealthiest Orks, because their teeth grow the fastest compared to other Orks. Since Ork currency is their teeth, it then makes sense that Bad Moons are the wealthiest. Bad Moons Orks are also incredibly greedy, as they only care about getting richer, and getting the best stuff.

Their colors are yellow, black, and gold trim, and they have the most guns out of all of the Ork clans combined. The flashier, louder, and cooler the guns, the better. These Orks embody the idea that you always need more Dakka.

They trade with other Orks to get the best guns, the flashiest gear, and the best battlewagons. As such, they have a reputation amongst Orks to be flashy.


No Mukkin' About.

Relic: Da Irongob.

Orks - Warhammer 40k Photo (35766570) - Fanpop

These are Orks that are close combat specialists. They love nothing more than hearing the hammering of guns and the satisfying wet crunch of their choppers sinking into an enemy.

They are typically the largest and most aggressive Orks. They're so aggressive, in fact, that they will look for any excuse to get in a fight. In fact, the slightest excuse is enough justification for a Goff to start krumpin'.

Their colors are black with red trim, with white and black checkerboard patterns.

They're noted for the sheer volume of infantry they possess, and thus, if they get a whiff of a good scrap, Goffs will appear in droves, just to fulfill their want and need of cracking some skulls.

Goffs though, tend to view other clans as inferior, seeing it as their right to lord their aggression and status over other Orks. Since Goffs also tend to have the largest and strongest Orks, many warbosses tend to be Goffs.



Relic: Morgog's Finkin' Cap.

Blood Axe by calfCut on DeviantArt

The Blood Axes are known for being "sneaky gitz" because they picked up tactics and planning. They have a reputation for sporting camouflage, scouting, and using a fancy thing called "battlefield tactics."

Their colors are muted and feature camouflage.

Orks call them sneaky gitz, but the peak sneek for a Blood Axes Ork is blowing a hole in a wall, and flooding that hole with Ork boyz. That's how "sneaky" the Blood Axes are.

Because of them using "sneaky tactics" many Orks don't trust Blood Axes, because what self-respecting Ork uses sneaky tactics like camouflage and planning?


Red Ones Go Fastaa!

Relic: Rezmekka's Redder Paint.

How to Paint Everything: Orks (40k) | Goonhammer

The Evil Sunz clan love loud, rumbling engines, the smell of gasoline, and above all, going as fast as possible.

They possess the highest proportion of Speed Freeks compared to other Ork clans, and Speed Freeks are Orks addicted to going as fast as possible, by using whatever vehicles possible from Trukks, to Shokkjump Dragstas, Boomdakka Snazzwagons, Warbikes, Deffkilla Wartrikes, and whatever vehicles they can build and drive or pilot as fast as Orkily possible.

As a result, the Evil Sunz possess also the largest number of Mekboyz to assemble their vehicles and service them, and of course, paint them red, because "red 'unz go fastaa!"

These are the Orks that believe in using vehicles to go as fast as humanly possible while using an enormous amount of Dakka and explosions.

You might guess their colors, then. Red and orange with flames. Red ones go faster, so red is the dominant color of an Evil Sunz Ork.


Lucky Blue Gitz.

Relic: Da Fixer Upperz.

Pin on Orks Warhammer 40K

These Orks are a clan of looters that grab anything and everything they can get their grubby hands on from corpses on the battlefield. Any trinket, anything useful, even scrap metal to these Orks is free real estate. In fact, these gitz aren't above outright stealing stuff because "it might come in 'andy later!" As you'd expect, they have the largest number of Lootas compared to any other clan.

They have a bad reputation amongst the other Orks, as the other Orks view them as scheming thieves.

They have a large conclave of Mekboyz who build custom weapons, armor, and vehicles from the random bits and gubbinz they find on the battlefield.

Despite their reputation, these Orks also have a reputation of being lucky, due to painting themselves with blue warpaint, as according to Orks, blue is the luckiest color.

As such, their colors are blue and black with white highlights.


Da Old Ways.

Relic: Brogg's Buzzbomb.

Warhammer 40000 : Beast Snaggas - a new Ork Sub faction ! | War of Sigmar :  Warhammer 40000 + Age of Sigmar Rumors and News

These are rugged Orks that live off the land. They prefer tradition to technology, and in fact, have a distrust of technology. As an initiation, an Ork wanting to join the tribe must be bitten by an extremely venomous serpent, and then sucking out the venom to prove their resilience. If they survive, they gain an immunity to venom and poison, and get to keep a friendly snake for a pet!

Instead of vehicles, these Orks prefer riding into battle on beasts they've caught or raised, known as squigs.

Their colors are yellow, green, and brown.


Competitive Streak.

Relic: Da Badskull Banna.


These are Space-Faring pirate Orks, who all possess peg legs, hooks, wearing pirate hats and searching for treasure.

Freebooterz are led by a Kaptin, and these boyz are even tougher, more ruthless and foul tempered than the rest of their brethren, and often dress very flamboyantly, favoring large hats and large coats in which they can conceal tons of weapons and fungal rum in.

Culturally, Freebooterz are insanely competitive and greedy, always striving to be the best and get the best treasure and loot for themselves.

Since they're a clan formed from Orks who left their previous clan, or were exiled, Freebooterz Orks don't really have colors as such, but they do have a sigil, which is called the Jolly Ork, which is just an Ork skull and crossbones.


So based on this info and brief overview of the different Ork clans, which one would you guys and gals love to be in?

Personally, I'm an Evil Sunz type of guy. :)
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