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What Made You Happy Today?


The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
I'm happy about the fact the NHL is one step closer to returning and hopefully finishing this season.
I’m glad this forum exists. I’m so introverted and shy in real life it’s hard to talk to people I’ve just met, and that makes it hard to make good friends in real life. This place has really saved me from being lonely. It’s made me happier as well
*fellow shy introvert waving at you* Honestly, ZD and SF have been one of the best things to happen to me during this whole pandemic (not that I was terribly social before the pandemic). Having people to chat and discuss similar interests with is amazing when you live in a place like I do where almost nobody cares about gaming and other hobbies like it.


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
Managed to get something very irritating sorted in record time. Now I can breathe and actually enjoy some alone time.

Same here :) The irritating something being job searching.

It's too bad some of them has vacation so that they won't hear to me back until August but at least I got my things in order and sent in applications!
Tales of Crestoria released for mobile today.

Thankfully my phone can play it and it's awesome!

*deep breath*
I got a free top tier Milla summon and she came with new art and I can display her 3D model in the menu screen and if I tap her she moves and talks. She also shows up pretty much instantly in the story and travels with Velvet, they don't like each other but I don't mind that, it's just awesome seeing them together.

The visuals are really good for a mobile game (I don't and haven't played many at all) and I'm really intrigued by the story so far.

I also pulled some lucky top tier summon of Jude, so I have the best beginnings of a Xillia team <3

I was a little worried about this game because I didn't know what to expect, but its free, its good quality and it looks and sounds like Tales (it doesn't feel like Tales because turn based battles, but they're good too and satisfying).

So happy. <3

Look at heeeeeeeer!

:ham: :ham: :ham: :ham: :ham: :ham: :ham:
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