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What is Your Mood at the Moment?

Jan 14, 2015
\v/(^3^)\v/ $Ching Ching Chicka Ching Ching$
I'm an internet sensation! Wow. Everyone is trying to get my autograph as of late (lol). :P The "brat(s) mentality" era, jeez.

Yeah, so anyways~ I feel pretty fantastic. Happy! (^3^)

Azure Sage

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Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I feel really out of it today. I dunno, just for some reason I'm sleepy and unmotivated. I am pretty sure I got enough sleep last night, so I don't know what it is. But I have no motivation to do any work right now. I hope I can break this funk quickly cause I got stuff to do.
Jan 14, 2015
\v/(^3^)\v/ $Ching Ching Chicka Ching Ching$
Wild and cheerful tonight! Because I'm spending quality time with my (IRL) :P friends at my place (baka). :P
We're having so much fun~ lol
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Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Very depressed about what's going on around me lately. This week has been **** because of the deep snow along with one of my cats died. I just want to end my life now. -___-
When pet die it's as hard as a human being. Pets give unconditional love and care for you no matter what. I wish you all strength in this loss. Keep the memories girl. I always tear up when an animal dies. They are so special.
Feb 23, 2011
Kind of ambivalent towards the fact that I have the day off. On the plus side, today is the second busiest day of the week. This means that I don't have to deal with slow, idiotic customers who don't even know what color oranges are. And I get to rest instead of overworking myself to death to try and pull the weight of my whole 'team' on my own. On the other end, however, I hate being bored. There's hardly anything to do at home–especially on Saturdays–besides play the videogames I dug out of the closet a couple days ago. I've tried playing them before though, and I just couldn't seem to really get into them anymore. Sucks, because I've gotta keep myself distracted in order to keep my mind from veering off into CloudCuckooLand or Looneyville. If there's one good thing I can say about work, it has always been a good distraction. Whelp, I guess I'll spend at least some of the day posting on here.

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