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What is Your Fav Island??

Bunny Hood

Everyone's Favorite Mask
Feb 28, 2011
my fav islands are dragon roost, (because of the AWESOME music) and windfall island.:clap::clap::clap:


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
First of all, welcome to Zelda Dungeon.
So, to answer your question, my favorite islands are Dragon Roost Island and Forsaken Fortress. Dragon Roost Island was a big place, had epic music like you pointed out, you learned the most important Wind Waker song there, and has a decent amount of secrets. Forsaken Fortress was a very creepy looking place, and it was really cool for a villain's hideout.
Jan 28, 2010
I'd have to say Link's Oasis, and Windfall. I love how relaxing Link's Oasis is and the puzzle games in the house and the secret dungeon as well. I also I love how many side-quests and how much depth there is on Windfall Island.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Windfall Island. I loved just getting to hang there and discover another secret just about every time I went exploring. :) Going through just about every aperture in that maze of buildings allowed you to find a lot.

I also like Outset Island, for pretty much the same reasons, but it didn't have quite as much the friendly atmosphere of Windfall, yet does bear about the same exploration space.


Yeah, that's right!
Aug 21, 2010
I can't really choose between Windfall, Dragon Roost, and Outset. I like them all for various reasons. However, Dragon Roost has the best music.
Sep 1, 2010
Definitely Windfall Island. It had the best music, and I loved to explore every nook and cranny of that island when I first played Wind Waker.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I would have to say Outset Island. But on top of being my favorite island, it might just be my favorite location in Hyrule so far. It is just the perfect tropical island to ever live on. And not too far away from civilization either, there are bird people to deliver the mail daily and maintain contact with everyone else on the sea. It is reasonably far away enough from all other dungeons, fortresses, and otherwise dangerous places. Just a generally welcome and cozy place to live.
Oct 12, 2010
I really like Outset and Windfall. I liked Outset because of the home type feeling to it. Kind of like Ordon Village, but smaller. Windfall because of its variety of characters. From Maggie, the girl in love with a moblin, to the crazy old man obsessed with pictographs. Good times.

Young Link

Feb 26, 2010
Kokiri Forest
Link's Oasis. Although it is a small island, I like having an island named after me. Haha, and also, the puzzle inside the house is fun to play. I also get a kick out of swimming in the pool and jumping down the waterfall. One last thing, there is also a funny glitch there, too. So, that's why it's my faveorite.


Hero of Winds
Feb 19, 2011
Windfall, Link's Oasis, and Gale Isle.

- Windfall is my favorite just because of all you can do there and how fun and relaxed it is, especially at night with the lighthouse running.

- Link's Oasis because it's just a laidback island and it's a place I can call home in the game. I also love the underground tunnel labyrinth, that was fun.

- Gale Isle, just because it contains my favorite dungeon in all of Wind Waker. :P


I'd have to say the forest haven, it's so peaceful and beutiful.

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