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What if There Isn't a Timeline at All?


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
We have had a ton of threads like this over the past couple years I've been with the site. There is a timeline. The creators not only tell us there is, but they tell us the nature of it (split) and comment on multiple games on their placement in the timeline. To say there is no timeline is to say that the developers are purposely sending us on a wild goose chase for absolutely no reason. They wouldn't waste their time on that.


there is no exate time line intill the last zelda game and thats many years to come.


Eh I could go either way here. I don't think any kind of timeline makes sense right now, that's not to say once more games come out that it fits all together nicely. OOT and MM were made next to each other so it seemed to make sense. Trying to put Twilight Princess into that though, I don't know I wouldn't mind either way if there was a timeline or not, I just love the games ^_^

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