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What if Dark Link returns

El Bagu

Wannabe Mr. 1-8-1
Jul 5, 2008
In Woods. N of River!
One of my favorite enemies in the Zelda games is Dark Link. Therefore I would want to see him again in the next Zelda game (lets hope there will be one!). But if he return I want him to be a much stronger opponent. Maybe they could make him as a giant or they could make a Dark Link that can use the same weapons as "hero" Link does. Like hammer, bombs (I know he does use them in FSA), hookshot, etc.

It would also be interesting to face Onilink i think :clap:

What are your thoughts about Dark Link? Do you want to see him in a new Zelda game? Should they make him a more difficult enemy?
May 25, 2008
In my house
Yes, I would quite like to face Onilink, he's been getting in the way of mai mod position. :P

Back on topic though, Dark Link was a somewhat annoying boss that I actually want back. I mean, for me at least, it took some time to figure out how to actually beat him. He should seem like such as simple enemy, but he was a hard one to figure out.


Jul 13, 2008
It would certainly be cool to see dark link in another game perhaps even a main baddy And yes they really should make him a difficult bad guy that would be very cool, perhaps he could have a whole new collection of items That are different than links but that would make me jealous i would want those items. Lol :) It would also be nice if dark link had a whole new "shape" of shadow but i guess that would take away the title of "shadow" link Like do you know what i mean like he would have a shadow form that looks somewhat like armor but again than he wouldn't be shadow link.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
"moved to Future Zelda section"

interesting topic. yeah i also like dark link. i would love to see his return in future zelda games. it would be awsome.

but i would not like it if he fight was the same as the one in OOT water temple.
that if link is slashing that he would slash back that the sword clashes evertime.
i would prefer something like a swordfight. like the swordfight as ganondorf in TP.
it would be rather diffucult if he uses the same weapons as link. but a good old swordfight with attaching defending is cool. and then to think that darklink could use the same "sword skills" like link does, now that would be interesting.
Jun 16, 2008
New York, US
That would be pretty cool, an all out sword battle against an exact equal, with all of your items, sword skills, etc. I would like to see Dark Link as maybe the antagonist of a future game. I think that having an enemy equal to Link would make for some awesome sword fights, and I think this time Dark Link would need a shield, to make it more difficult.


im the puppet master
Mar 2, 2008
across the street watching you
ah...dark link, it brings back memories of parents yelling at you just when you think you know how to beat him. to bring him back would lead to periodic fits of insane laughter. but if dark link had more of a roll to the games besides just a boss, sub-boss, etc. then it could be even more interesting

El Bagu

Wannabe Mr. 1-8-1
Jul 5, 2008
In Woods. N of River!
It would certainly be cool to see dark link in another game perhaps even a main baddy And yes they really should make him a difficult bad guy that would be very cool, perhaps he could have a whole new collection of items That are different than links but that would make me jealous i would want those items. Lol :)......

That is an excellent idea! That Dark Link should have somewhat different weapons. They should be slightly more effective or more advanced than "hero" Links. Would make me jealous too ;)

"moved to Future Zelda section"

......but i would not like it if he fight was the same as the one in OOT water temple.
that if link is slashing that he would slash back that the sword clashes evertime.
i would prefer something like a swordfight. like the swordfight as ganondorf in TP.
it would be rather diffucult if he uses the same weapons as link. but a good old swordfight with attaching defending is cool. and then to think that darklink could use the same "sword skills" like link does, now that would be interesting.

I think the idea behind the OoT Dark Link battle was actually very good. Nice atmosphere, scenery and it took place in a for me very unexpected moment! Only one thing was not perfect: The fight itself :mad:

I almost forgot one thing (I actually forgot). I agree with you zeldusfanaticus (and also Twili123prince): Dark Link should have a more important role than just being a boss or sub-boss.
Last edited:


Shut up and go away
Sep 18, 2008
the middle of nowhere
Dark link pwns

Dudes Dark link as say a partner, maybe ganondorf captures Link and a few friends and infuses link with pure darkness (sound's like Kingdom hearts...) Princess Zelda purges Link of said darkness, but the Darkness forms into another *LINK* with paler skin red eye color and a black tunic and of course a dark blade
Sep 10, 2008
^Sounds like a good idea.But if he's captured link and infused him with darkness, how does Zelda get him back to purge him of Darkness?
Jun 16, 2008
New York, US
^Sounds like a good idea.But if he's captured link and infused him with darkness, how does Zelda get him back to purge him of Darkness?

Well, I suppose it could be like this: Link is captured by Ganondorf, and infused with darkness somehow, which completely corrupts Link. And so Ganondorf uses the new Shadow Link to do his bidding, and Zelda somehow captures the Shadow Link and returns him to normal Link. Only, the darkness still exists in the shape of Link, and is just as powerful. Or Ganondorf could just create a shadow minion patterned after Link.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Dark Link will more than likely return. There are a lot of people who like to see him do so.

I, personally, would love to see Dark Link return. He was a great enemy, and a challenging one at that.


I always thought Dark Link was very intriguing, esp. if you view him as an "evil" Link (since Link himself is supposed to be the pure-hearted hero) as opposed to just a manifested mirror image. I wouldn't mind Dark Link becoming a more prominent part of a storyline in the future for this reason.


that would be cool if the whole game was based on him as a new enemy- kinda like a frankinstein thing. ganondorf creates an evil dark almost clone version of link, then the dark link locks up gannon and steals all his power (no clue how though, lol) and u have to defeat dark link and save hyrule, but once u defeat link u have to defeat ganon, for ganon has all his strength back
Feb 6, 2008
Yah fighting dark link would be awesome especailly if he has thhe same skill and weapons (or possibly his own set) would be frikin awesome!! i would love it if they actually gave him intelligence and personality too! THAT WOULD BE sWEET!!!! :clap: :cool:


Shut up and go away
Sep 18, 2008
the middle of nowhere
the idea is that the princess disguises herself as one of the shadowmongers lesser sourcerers to gannondorf who specialize in infusing darkness with everything, and she purges the darkness from link, then Link and darklink work together( unwilling to darklink) to save links friends Geideth( gannondorfs son) and Saria:)

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