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Majora's Mask What Happened to Navi?

The Joker

<span style="text-shadow:2px 2px 4px Purpl
Nov 24, 2011
At Amusement Mile
Well, this is what she told me.

After she left Link, she went back to the village to see if there was a Kokiri who would have her. Unforetunitely, none of them would so she went back to Hyrule only to find that Link had already skipped town. She found no more use for Hyrule and left herself. She spent the next couple of months in a drunken stooper and going to random nightclubs. This was were I found her...

I saw her and imediately asked her for a dance. Instead, she gave me a "power boost"...don't ask...We then spent a month together before she moved in. For a whole year, she gave me a "morning boost" and another right before bedtime; which always left me very exhausted for a "boost". Then one day, I came home to discover that she had been with another man; raised him from the dead, in fact, she had been raising guys from the dead ever since she was with me.

At that point, I had her pack her things and get out. That was the last I saw of her but the ***** still keeps calling.
Last edited:
Jan 20, 2012
When Link was forced back in time, Navi was never sent to find Link, because the great deku tree wouldn't need his help, he wasn't cursed because Ganondorf hadn't been casting any evil. Also, he isn't Kokiri, he is a hylian, and hylians aren't assigned fairies.

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