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What Group Do You Want to See Return?


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
The gorons were originally enemies? I had no idea...

Yeah, in A Link to the Past, I think. They were nearly indistinguishable from rocks, and behaved just like falling rocks always have in TLoZ. This is why Gorons in TP and OoT roll.

Why they distinguished a rock from a "Goron" is beyond me, beyond the minor graphical difference.
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Smash is Life
Sep 23, 2012
Beijing, China
As long as they keep the Zora and Gorons around, I should be fine.
Also, Nintendo needs to bring the Sheikah back, and do it well. They referenced them lamely in TP with the village, and although I haven't played SS yet, it doesn't sound as if they were as good as in OoT.
I would also like to learn more about the 'Zora's Spawn' race in aLttP... Why are they different than the Zora? Was there some freak mutation? Or were the Zora wiped out entirely and replaced by this strange race? I don't know, but I would like to find out.

One race I would never like to see again would be the Oocca. Their human faces on chicken bodies still give me nightmares... :blank:
Aug 25, 2012
Indiana, USA
I've long wanted Nintendo to start connecting the lore in the Zelda games to make the series feel more cohesive, so I wouldn't be averse to seeing all of them return. Other franchises with emphases on exploration (The Elder Scrolls, for instance) usually make it a point to immerse players in the world by giving them all kinds of lore, history, and even fictional stories to uncover. Zelda almost seems to be making an effort to disjoint its world and ensure players can't wrap themselves in it.

So what happened to the Subrosians? The Minish? The Kokiri? Even the Anouki on page one? So many races conveniently showed up for just one game, then mysteriously disappeared. Are we going to a different Hyrule each time? (Sarcasm.) I know Nintendo might be wanting to separate each version of Hyrule so it seems new each time, but considering most versions of it aren't that fleshed out anyway, it's a redundant concern. I'd particularly like to see races that repeatedly tie into the chronology and evolution of Hyrule, meaning the Sheikah, Gerudo, and Kokiri, return with full explanations. They've showed up multiple times one way or another, but they've never been properly explained any of those times. The Hero of Time was raised among the Kokiri, one of the most interesting and enigmatic races of Hyrule, and they haven't shown up since. Except as Koroks in The Wind Waker, and their backstory still wasn't explained.

So basically, Nintendo, start making it so Zelda makes sense. Link up the backgrounds and stories of the races and cultures of Hyrule so the world feels like a tangible place, not a temporary playground. Zelda overworlds and stories aren't bad so far, but they have plenty of room for improvement.


Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.
Although they technically never appeared in the series, I'd like to see the Dark Interlopers make an appearance, preferably as the main antagonists of a new game.

I'd also like to see the Twili,
although seeing the Dark Interlopers would kinda be the same thing
. They didn't get much emphasis in TP other than with Midna and Zant. I'd like to see what their culture is like compared to the races living in the Light Realm. Also because it could mean bringing back Midna.


Apr 22, 2011
I have a few of them, the way I'd like for their story to be told is in a form of side quests, doing quests for individual members of the tribes/races/cultures then finding out their origins and lifestyle, I wouldn't want any old races or tribes tied to the main story, I'd rather they just come up with an entirely new race.

The Sheikah

This would be my first pick, however if Nintendo decide to make them as shady as in rest of the games then they might as well just not include them at all. If they on the contrary in fact do decide to give some backstory to the Sheikah then I'd love for them to make an appereance again, as a tribe not just one random member. Maybe explain their ways of living, why are they so shady & mysterious, where did they come from etc. If it was made like a long chain of side quests it would be awesome, tying something like an entire backstory of a culture into the main quest seems boring to me.


I've been intrigued by they pirate lifestyle, living secluded out in the desert and purely women based civilization. I would love to see a similar backstory/origin side quest for the Gerudo as I'd like for the Sheikah. Would be interesting to see how their mating process goes down, do they fall in love with the Hylian men they breed with? I'd also like to know how the ranking system works, who gets to make all the decisions and why? I Would also like to know why they live in the desert out of all places, why is it so important to be secluded from the Hylians?

Ancient Tribe

I'd love to explore why they were experimenting with dark magic such as the item, Majora's Mask. Did they build and live in the Stone Tower Temple, is this tribe the same one as the one from TP, the Dark Tribe, are they maybe the Twili race?
What made them move to the twilight if it's them?

Rare Addict

Site Staff
Jun 15, 2010
United States
Along with the Twili (for obvious reasons that have already been discussed in this thread ;P), both the Gerudo and Sheikah are deserving of a full-fledged return. The former's caste system, as well as the latter's lifestyle and ideology, are elements that I would love to see explored in a future installment.


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
I'd like to have the Shiekah and the Gerudo over anyone else. Both of those tribes feature very interesting back stories that I feel have not been explained enough to my liking. Also I'd love to see the Gerudo depicted in HD......I'm just saying.

I was super disappointed in Twilight Princess when I got to the desert and there were no Gerudo at all. The area was cool, but it could have easily been I proved with a small village to discover. As for if I want a Gerudo section to be stealth......we'll I don't want Nintendo do to make it stealth just because the other times we see the Gerudo have been stealth sections. And yes I'm counting the pirates in Majora's Mask as Gerudo.

The Shiekah have always been hinted about, but there's on,y really been one Shiekah ever shown at a time. I'd really like to see an actual tribe of Shiekah and actually to see more about their culture. They're just too cool to be ignored as much as they have been and I hope that Nintendo fixes this soon.

If I had to choose one over the other then I'd have to go with the Gerudo..they just fascinate me so and that's why I started writing a fanfic about then. Speaking of which.....I need to go back and actually start that up again....
Aug 8, 2012
I wanna see the Oocca and Twili appear. I was really miffed that they didn't have the Oocca appear in Skyward Sword. I didn't expect a lot of connections in the game, but even I thought they were sure to appear in a sky based game.

I think that the Oocca would be great. It would be a good explanation as to what they really are aswell.


Of the Forest
Dec 13, 2012
The Lost Woods, Kokiri Forest
The Kokiri are the race I would most want to have come back. Maybe give more information about themselves?
I love the Kokiri, but there's not a whole lot of information about them, so it would be great to see them come back

The Sheikah would be a great add to some future LoZ games, but I would still prefer the Kokiri first.

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