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What Group Do You Want to See Return?


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
Boy haven't participated in the forums in awhile...

What group/race/tribe/whatever from a previous game would you like to see return in a future Zelda game?

Personally, I would love to see the Minish return. The Minish Cap as amazing of a game as it was is crippled by the little expansion on the Minish. Throughout the entire game, the only areas that have a concentration of Minish are the one Minish Village, Castle Town, and Melari's Mine.

I'd love to see the Minish return, and i'd especially like to see a wide variety of Minish and multiple different Minish villages/ towns. I love The concept of the Minish, and I feel that the idea of shrinking down to the size of a thumb opens up a massive opportunity for creativity.

What about you?
Feb 23, 2011
Well... aside from the elusive Sheikah, I am not too keen on seeing any of the other races return. Instead I'd like the series to procure entirely new races/ tribes. It would also be interesting to see another "common enemy-to-competent and/or somewhat established race transition" happen in future installments ala the Zora and the Geldo (Gerudo) from series' past. Going further, it'd be neat in particular to see the Wolfos' as a fleshed-out race with a unique culture all its own...

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I'd like to see the Dark Interlopers return from a narrative perspective. There are so many details regarding this group which can be further expounded. Skyward Sword was a great opportunity to flesh out the Dark Tribe albeit one Nintendo chose not to take. It was speculated that Ghirahim's warping, the diamonds on his tunic, and the opening cutscene foreshadowed a deeper backstory which ultimately proved disappointing.

Another previously introduced race I'd like to see in the future is the Yeti. Zelda lacks a noteworthy ice race and the sole two Yeti representatives in Twilight Princess proved deeper than many contemporary NPCs across all franchises. The Yeti are also a great story lure which I'd prefer to see explained in a prequel. Why are there only two residing in the Snowpeak Ruins? What happened to the others? In our own world where Yeti are nothing but mythical creatures, such an explanation could turn out highly entertaining.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend

The Anouki most certainly are a cute race but they lack story significance in both Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Link's interaction with the tribe is limited to sorting out domestic issues whether it be the Yook debacle in PH or pairing the members up in ST as well as obtaining ice from the Anouki for certain tasks.

The Yeti, on the other hand, are not only very detailed in design but suffer from the curse placed on the Snowpeak Ruins. Twilight Princess features a melancholy narrative with greater losses for minor characters than any installment sans Majora's Mask and Yeto but especially Yeta are prime examples of this suffering.


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
We should definitely see the Deku Scrubs again as a full race much like in MM. Also, it would be cool to see the Rito tribe from WW again, and maybe the Kokiri of OoT.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I wanna see the Oocca and Twili appear. I was really miffed that they didn't have the Oocca appear in Skyward Sword. I didn't expect a lot of connections in the game, but even I thought they were sure to appear in a sky based game.
Aug 18, 2011
I'd like to see the Twili again, but really want to get more on the connections between the -lin and -fols races.

I've stated in the past that I'd also love to see the Fokka, Goriya and Dariya's return, and that still.


Feb 25, 2010
I would enjoy a return of Of the Rito and Korok from WW. I would love to see another game taking place on the great sea.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Moar Kokiri Plz!! ^_^ They're such a mystery. I wanna know more about em.

Moar Twili... because Midna!

aaaand... Deku Shrubs... why no Deku Shrubs? :( They did the same to them what they did to Gorons and Zoras; take a common enemy and turn em into a full fledged major race of characters. Their portrayal was so vivid in Majora's Mask. Gimme Moar!! ^_^

Oh, and the elusive Sheikah! The Ninja Sheikah from OoT.

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