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Fire Emblem What Fire Emblem game has your favorite art style?

Threads relating to the Fire Emblem series.
Basically the title. Fire Emblem has had widely varying art styles depending on the game, from the "almost everyone has the same hairstyle" of Genealogy of the Holy War to the distinctly anime-influenced character designs of Three Houses, as well as the art styles found in other games.

So, what art style is your personal favorite in FE?

For me, I'd say I especially like the character designs and cutscenes from Three Houses more than the others. They just look so nice and I think the anime aesthetic really suits FE. Although I think the Tellius games are a definite close second. That era's style is very charming as well.
Oct 8, 2020
The Lost Woods
Spritual Reincarnation
Mystery of the Emblem. I absolutely adore the old-fashioned anime style employed in that game's art. It's so clean, it's easy on the eyes, and the colors are beautiful.
Echoes has a really nice artstyle that sort of dials back on the anime style slightly and gives it a hybrid traditional look which was pretty nice, but I couldn't stand the portrait design for a lot of the characters, especially Mae and Delthea, with their over emphasized tiddy armor. Delthea's snaggletooth was an artstyle killer for me, too. Almost perfect but had some ways to go.

I feel similarly about Three Houses which has a really polished artstyle with a lot of heart and unlike Echoes, it really dialed back on fanservicey character portraits, but I don't like the "Persona" style eye shading (or lack of shading, I should say), it makes everyone look like a psycho murderer. Three Houses' 2d cutscenes are probably my favorite cutscene style, and I'm a little disappointed there were still 3d cinematic cutscenes when they had an option for uniformity with the 2d ones.

I think I probably like the art style established in Awakening the best. It's anime, sure, but it's pretty clean. The cutscenes are very nice, too, considering they're 3d models rendered to look like 2d drawings. Especially the ones with Grima, the artstyle really shines. Fates did some good with the character portraits too by adding textured shading to them, which actually is a pretty neat effect for the otherwise smooth coloring on the characters.

So short answer, general artstyle goes to Awakening/Fates, and cutscene style goes to Three Houses.
Oct 8, 2020
The Lost Woods
Spritual Reincarnation
I do agree that Awakening definitely has the cleanest artstyle of the bunch, and those cutscenes are truly spectacular. Same with Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. I would say the same about Fates, except I have sworn an oath to never say anything nice about Fates. Okay, I'm joking, but I hate Fates/If's character art. Need I say more than that Camilla exists? The reason that I like Mystery of the Emblem/Monshou no Nazo's so much more is that it has a lot of personality, while reminding me of some of my favorite 2D animation.

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