Gameplay-wise, not storywise? Hmm. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, I should just say that I'd give
Skyward Sword a 10/10, despite these things I disliked:
Exploration. Zelda games commonly offer secrets all around the mainland. Hidden grottos, secret caves, out-of-the-way Fairy Fountains -- every time I found one of these, I felt a little bit
accomplished. I love finding secrets in the game, especially secret locations. I remember how in
Ocarina of Time, I'd go around Hyrule Field throwing bombs everywhere in hopes that I would find a hole to jump down into.
Skyward Sword didn't offer any of that. The closest thing it got to an exploration secret was the Goddess Cubes, and you could easily dowse for them. While the overworld is compact and offered a lot to do, it doesn't really give you that sense of freedom.
The Magic Meter. Although not really a complaint restricted to
Skyward Sword alone, you did ask what I thought was missing, so I had to include this here. I really miss the the magic that Link could harness in previous Zelda games. What happened to the elemental arrows, the three Goddess spells? The items in
Skyward Sword were useful, yes (compared to
Twilight Princess XD), but they were missing that magic touch.
A difficult fight. I was itching for a hard, long fight all throughout my run of the game. I loved how the average damage an enemy would do was one heart (much better than losing 1/4th of a heart XD), so that led me to to believe that there was going to be a very difficult fight sometime later in the game. And even if it wasn't in the main game, maybe it could be in Hero Mode. But after I defeated Demise, I was left feeling like I haven't shown my true potential in battle yet. >_< I wouldn't call Demise easy -- especially the first time -- but I only struggled with him because I had no idea that I had to charge my sword with lightning. Once I figured that out, it was all over for him. I wished for an enemy that was simple to figure out and understand, but was difficult to defeat.
A Cave of Ordeals, or other similar aspect of the game where you fight a lot of monsters. I'm sure you can tell, but I love fighting in Zelda games. XD I really loved the Cave of Ordeals in
Twilight Princess, as well as the Savage Labyrinth in
The Wind Waker and the "Take 'Em All On" minigame from
Spirit Tracks. Since they were all included in relatively recent Zeldas, I expected one in Skyward Sword as well, especially since swordplay seemed very dynamic. It would open up a lot of opportunities. Unfortunately, there was none. This is probably my biggest disappointment in the game that has nothing to do with the storyline.
Other minor complaints include:
- No fishing minigame
- No other large islands in the Sky
- No Loftwing minigame
- No connecting pieces of land for Faron, Eldin, and Lanayru
- No chance to see the Surface in its entirety thousands of years into the past (we only got to see parts of Lanayru, as well as the Sealed Grounds)