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Skyward Sword What Do You Think of the Goddess Harp?

Yuki Cross

Attack on Titan~!!!
Mar 26, 2013
The world of anime.
You're not actually even playing the songs on the harp, just accompanying them. Fi sings the melody, you strum up and down on the harp (wheeeeeeeee). So there's that. I find it ironic that you say these aren't memorable, though, because from what I've seen, many fans consider these songs to be some of the most memorable in the series. I disagree, I think the ones named after the goddesses are borderline ear-rape (especially Farore's Courage), but that actually makes it more ironic, given how I typically praise SS's soundtrack and label it as one of the best soundtracks in video game history.

I can't tell if I like your comment, or dislike it. =___= I can't grasp what you're saying. Do you like the soundtrack or not? Sorry, just trying to figure that out. ^.^

I think the soundtrack for SS is awesome, one of the best along side Spirit Tracks, and Twilight Princess (in my opinion.) and playing the harp kind of made you part of it, not really, but it had that feeling, like you were giving to the soundtrack in some way.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I don't get why everyone is complaining, about it. It really fit into the atmosphere of the game. Light-hearted, and fun in general, and not too much of a challenge. After all, it's just a harp, how hard do you want it to be, honestly?

Light-heartedness is a huge problem with Skyward Sword as a whole in my opinion; sometimes it felt like it wanted to be moody and brooding but it never carried that vibe for more than a single cutscene. This is the problem with the harp, the scene where we obtain it was pretty moody and the thing felt important, but opening some beautiful and bliisful portals isn't exactly moody for me. :I


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
I liked the harp, but it wasn't playing the kinds of songs I wanted to see in a Zelda game. I found it quite boring that you could only play the 'background' part of the song and you didn't need to remember which notes to play in order to play the song.

It wasn't an actual item, either. Usually this would make me happy, as it's easier to pull out... when you actually use it. The amount of times you actually used the harp was so few that having it as an always-accessible item was pretty pointless, unless you're one of those people that likes to pull it out when you're fighting Ghirahim just to tick him off.

I really liked the music system in OoT, where you learned songs along the way. This unfortunetely wasn't in SS. Heck, you never even used each song more than once which really disappoints me, being someone who loves music and and the instruments in Zelda.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
Well, Nintendo, it's the thought that counts...

They could have done this so well. Like other people have said, it would have been fun to mess around on it like you could on the Ocarina. Instead you practically hurt yourself trying to strum at the right tempo. The songs you learned didn't really have much of an impact like they have in other games. Each song was really only used once, but you were doing the same thing throughout each song: swaying your arm either way too slow or way too fast. Every song took me like 5 minutes to learn because of the stupid circle thing. Plus it was weird that is was a tiny little portable thing that looked like a toy, which bothered me. Anyone who treats a real harp like a toy needs to be locked up tight. Poor harps. :c


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
I am pretty much with everyone here. The possible connection to Sheik is cool, but that is where it ends. I think the harp sucks in real life, let alone on a game where you can't even play it for fun.

P.S. A harp and a lyre are pretty much the same thing, the harp is just a big version of a lyre. So I really don't think, considering the translation from Japanese, that this tiny little detail is really worth remarking on.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
I am pretty much with everyone here. The possible connection to Sheik is cool, but that is where it ends. I think the harp sucks in real life, let alone on a game where you can't even play it for fun.

P.S. A harp and a lyre are pretty much the same thing, the harp is just a big version of a lyre. So I really don't think, considering the translation from Japanese, that this tiny little detail is really worth remarking on.

In my opinion, harps are very beautiful instruments if you can play them right. They can really add atmosphere to any song.
And even a small difference is still a difference. Just like there's a difference between a guitar, a banjo, and a mandolin. They're called different things because they ARE different things.

Azure Sage

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I enjoyed the Goddess Harp. I did have a couple issues with it now and then, but they were few and far between. I think moving the Wii Remote back and forth to play it is a little too simple, although fortunately we didn't have to "pluck" individual strings, so it could have been much worse. I love all of the harp songs as well as the sound of the harp itself. As expected of the Zelda series, the music is fantastic. All in all, I think it was handled pretty well. I rather like it. It's not nearly my favorite instrument in the series, though.

Yuki Cross

Attack on Titan~!!!
Mar 26, 2013
The world of anime.
Light-heartedness is a huge problem with Skyward Sword as a whole in my opinion; sometimes it felt like it wanted to be moody and brooding but it never carried that vibe for more than a single cutscene. This is the problem with the harp, the scene where we obtain it was pretty moody and the thing felt important, but opening some beautiful and bliisful portals isn't exactly moody for me. :I

I get where you're coming from. Twilight Princess is my favourite game, and that's because of the atmosphere and the moodiness. I wish Skyward Sword was more moody and darker, but I'm just saying that since it is a light-hearted, colourful game, that I think the harp fit into it perfectly.

Although, yes, when you got the harp it made you feel as though it would come of great importance. No, it didn't. It was just there. But I didn't mind that because it was really awesome, too.

Lol, he meant that JuicieJ is a big fan of Skyward Sword, so naturally he'd like the soundtrack. He was making a joke. xD

Ohhhhh omg! >.< Okay thanks! (that's embarrassing lol)
I thought it was awful, slowly move your arm back and forth until the portal opens, nothing more. no timed button presses, no combinations of button presses, not combination of arm movements outside of slowly back and forth. I forgot i had it most of the time... really wasted item in my opinion

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I liked the idea behind it, but I absolutely hated the way it was played. I was hoping there would be actual music playing involved, instead of just randomly strumming the wiimote back and forth. I was so wrong!

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