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What Do You Think About a Legend of Zelda Game with 2 Playable Characters?


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
I'm not completely against the idea, but I think it would be better left for a spin off game than part of the main series. Zelda is all about the single player campaign and if you start adding a second player it could mess up the dungeon designs and puzzles. One way to counteract this would be to do something similar to Portal 2 and have a different campaign for Co-op. The story would still remain the same, but puzzles could be remastered to incorporate two people having to do stuff. I think that would bring some freshness to the series.


The Better of The Best
Mar 13, 2012
Sounds like Super Mario Galaxy. I think it could be a good idea because that way it's not so boring for the second person to just watch. But I don't think the second player should be able to attack, maybe like destroy pots or bushes but not enemies. It could be almost like the Tingle "gameboy thing" in WW. If you haven't used it before, it's just playing as Tingle on the Gameboy and you can find hidden items and stuff.
May 5, 2012
It worked perfectly well for resident evil (RE zero for example) So I would be willing to try it in zelda :P but the character has to be awesome!
May 16, 2012
i want a game where link is not the main hero but the enemy instead. but as far as having two heros in one game.. i dont like that idea as much
Apr 5, 2012
oh, i'd think it be kind of awesome if you could play with a friend? like one person would be link and the other person could be Zelda, or a sidekick such as midna or fi and being able to fight along your side. c: thats the thing about zelda, its a really awesome game- but when a friends watching you, they can get bored easily.
Apr 3, 2012
It might work. but it would feel wierd if the person just dropped in. I think you could have the option of having a 2nd player but when you wanted to do one player the other main charater(2nd player) would control by the COM
Jun 23, 2011
in a randomly spawned map
Id love a full-blown 3d zelda co-op. The Ocarina of Time 4 player mod is really neat, and ive been meaning to try it out, but if nintendo made the next game co-op, that's be amazing. what if for the Wii U, nintendo made it so the player playing as link used the tablet remote, and the "helper" playhers used wii remotes? that'd be epic

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I actually made a thread sometime ago asking what type of multiplayer fans would like to see in the Zelda series. It was not readily accepted then, however, looking t some of the replies in this thread, it would appear as though most people's sentiments have since altered. Yay! :)

I believe Zelda could very successfully incorporate cooperative multiplayer. It certainly makes much more sense than competitive for such an action-oriented franchise focused a bit more on puzzles than action. The recent example of Portal 2 coop definitely provides fuel for the flame in terms of just how successful such a feature can be. The one thing I am afraid Nintendo will do if coop is implemented is require both players to play as Link rather than Link and a companion as you suggest. Personally, it'd be nice to see Link team up with Zelda due to her being a wielder of the light arrows. And maybe the rules of story could be bent a little to reintroduce the badass that is Sheik. ;)


The Rodent King
Jun 15, 2011
The Tree
When I say 2-player, I don't mean two people. Now that I think about it, two people playing the same game at the same time is what comes to mind when I someone says something's a 2-player game so I guess my wording was just kind of confusing. What I mean by 2-player is that you are controlling one character while the other character trails along behind you and at any time during gameplay, you can switch which character you're controlling and which one is trailing behind depending on which one is better suited to do whatever it is that you have to do. I don't mean split-screen or anything like that. Also, since there are two characters that you can use, I guess in the main menu, you could choose to have a second player who's controlling the other character but when you're playing in one-player mode, you switch back and forth between the two characters without ever switching to split-screen.
Feb 23, 2011
When I say 2-player, I don't mean two people. Now that I think about it, two people playing the same game at the same time is what comes to mind when I someone says something's a 2-player game so I guess my wording was just kind of confusing. What I mean by 2-player is that you are controlling one character while the other character trails along behind you and at any time during gameplay, you can switch which character you're controlling and which one is trailing behind depending on which one is better suited to do whatever it is that you have to do. I don't mean split-screen or anything like that. Also, since there are two characters that you can use, I guess in the main menu, you could choose to have a second player who's controlling the other character but when you're playing in one-player mode, you switch back and forth between the two characters without ever switching to split-screen.

Yeah, thought so; although, I wasn't so sure. Anyway, ^ reminds me of the Kafei-Anju sidequest in Majora's Mask, albeit to a much lesser degree.

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
Well I loved Four Swords so a 2 player game would be great. I guess it would control like a Lego game. My only problem is it would feel odd to play as Midna, Fi, or dare I say it Navi. Maybe a alternate version of Link. Not meaning Dark Link by the way. But a lot of times I want to play Zelda with friends but there's no way I can do it.

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