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What Do You Look for in a Male/Female?


Jul 1, 2012
So I don't think I've seen a thread like this, sorry if there is one similar....

So what do you generally look for in a Male/Female for a possible partner! It can be physical attractions like eyes, hair Ect. Personality or other aspects...

Personally I would say that it is the physical attraction of a girl that gets my attention and if she has a great personality then I will generally like that girl. In terms of looks I don't really have a so called "type" Sometimes I tend to go for girls who look cute or just have something intriguing about them. For personality I like a girl who can take a joke, is generally a happy person and if we have similar interests then that always works :) These are just a few of mine!
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Jun 28, 2010
Not much, really, since I don't really look for guys/girls in general. But traits I like in, really, any kind of person would be a good sense of humor, some common interests, and a respect for others. Animals are a big part of my life, so having respect for animals would gain somebody a few points from me.


no text
Dec 16, 2011
I respect you, coolguy, for mentioning that you look for looks. People try to say that they don't, and that it's all about personality, but truly - it isn't.
In my opinion, a physical attraction is the most important thing, no matter what anyone says.
I like a girl who has a good music sense, can be funny and is chilled out. I don't like boring girls, but I don't like crazy ones, gotta be in the middle I guess.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I look for a girl with a similar sense of humor. They act cute and sweet. As far as physical attractions go, the face is most important. However, they need to be on the skinnier side, I don't like girls who are heavy. Not trying to sound like a huge tool.

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
For the physical aspects, I look for girls that are either normally-sized or lean; sorry, but I'm just not into the heavier-set ones. I can fall for just about any skin and hair color, though I seem to be attracted to Caucasian redheads and brunettes the most.

For the personalities, I tend to go for those who are not afraid of being honest with themselves. It's sort of a pathological hatred of liars I have developed and a converse respect for honesty. That being said, there has to be some common link between us, be it a shared worldview, the same sense of humor or other interests, etc. Another one that's important for my stage in my life is, they have to be not tied town to a specific area. I'm going to be moving around a lot, and forgiving me for sounding like a tool, but I don't want to be tied town right now. It's happened to far too many of my friends here in college, and I don't want to suffer the same fate.


The Sexy One
Aug 18, 2012
In your pants.
Physically, in a girl I look for brown hair, tanned skin, a thin frame, and nice legs.
On guys I like nice butts and a V-shaped frame.

Personality-wise, I like fun, adventurous people.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
Not too picky. If it's a guy, I prefer him bigger than me with short hair. Squared or slightly rounded features. If it's a girl, I prefer her to be smaller than me, hair length doesn't matter. I prefer girls with slightly more angular features, but not sickeningly so (see; girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2011 for an example). I like dark hair, and light eyes. Clear skin.

Independent and unique. I can get rather broad here.

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
As a guy, I can say that I'll always be attracted by pretty girls.
However, in a potential spouse I look for a few specific things:

1. Loves God with all her heart, and knows that His word is the standard through which we examine EVERY area of life.
She also must know that anything that contradicts it is false. (If we cannot agree on this, our relationship is doomed)

2. She must be able to challenge me intellectually, and encourage me to continue growing to be the man God wants me to be.

3. She needs to like my hobbies or at the least tolerate them.

4. I need to find her attractive. I don't want to see her bones, and I don't want her to look like a marshmallow. I like brunettes. I'd like her to be shorter than me.
(My preferences may change, so she doesn't need to worry about fitting the list of traits)

Instead of looking for her, I'm going to wait until God brings her into my life.
I'd rather worry about becoming the man God wants, instead of pursuing girls.
Jan 27, 2013
It's weird, there's some girls I don't give a second glance at until I get to know them and suddenly I find them attractive if I like their personallity, so I definitely rank personality before physical features; unless shes like obese because I think being in shape is important. I don't think I could date a girl that's really religious because religion is not and will not be a part of my life. Other stuff like humor, intelligence, and charm are all things I look for.


no text
Dec 16, 2011
I don't think I could date a girl that's really religious because religion is not and will not be a part of my life.
I'm not religious, far from it, but I think that it's a lot better to be open to peoples beliefs and accept that they have them. I doubt that if you dated a girl who was religious, it would force you to become religious as well. I see no wrong in having a relationship with someone who doesn't fit into your beliefs, unless you're a strong atheist, it wouldn't affect you.
Jan 27, 2013
I'm not religious, far from it, but I think that it's a lot better to be open to peoples beliefs and accept that they have them. I doubt that if you dated a girl who was religious, it would force you to become religious as well. I see no wrong in having a relationship with someone who doesn't fit into your beliefs, unless you're a strong atheist, it wouldn't affect you.

If they didn't force their beliefs on me I wouldn't care, that's why I said really religious, I should have been more specific though. From prior experience though I just tend to get along better with non-religious people.


no text
Dec 16, 2011
If they didn't force their beliefs on me I wouldn't care, that's why I said really religious, I should have been more specific though. From prior experience though I just tend to get along better with non-religious people.
Yeah, I agree :)


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Wow, so man guys giving their opinions. X3

Well, I tend to ignore the physical aspects because those can be deceiving, but if he’s cute that’s okay. ;) However, I like guys who are taller than me. :3 With personality however...

They must show respect for me in EVERY ASPECT. Not just my body, but my decisions in life as well. They must also not persuade me from loving God and my mother Mary, for they are very dear to me, and I can't be in a relationship with someone who trys to pull my love for them away. They should also have a good sense of humor, such that they do not make stupid jokes that little children make. ;3 And they should be able to have a decint conversation, in a way that if I bring something philosophical up they are able to keep up, because I don't ever find anyone like that. :\ And lastly, don't talk too much of weapons, videogames and stuff, because it really bores the heck out of me. ;) I love to talk about books though, that's a good subject. <3

Meh, I think that about sums it up. By the way I am attracted to men, I'm a girl. ;3

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