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What Did You Do Today/What Are You Currently Doing?


May 18, 2013
Absolutely nothing profitable...

Goes to show what happens when you try to debate on ZD... Takes all your time just to back up yourself....

Perhaps I should simply stop with this nonesense, I mean it isn't profiting me anything, who cares if others have wrong facts/ideas, obviously my input doesn't matter to them...
That's pretty much THE problem with some debaters....
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The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Absolutely nothing profitable...

Goes to show what happens when you try to debate on ZD... Takes all your time just to back up yourself....

Perhaps I should simply stop with this nonesense, I mean it isn't profiting me anything, who cares if others have wrong facts/ideas, obviously my input doesn't matter to them...

That's pretty much THE problem with debaters....

I agree with Sroa. It seems that discussions now these days are starting to gain lower quality with all that bickering. I actually agree with your input Clank, please don't leave. >.>


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
I am currently being sick. It sucks. At least it's not as bad as it was the past few days where I was stuck in bed all day with a hurting stomach and a sinus headache, where now I just have a cold.
Jan 1, 2014
Alberta, Canada
Just started putting together a list of Pixiv tags for the various Zelda games. It's going to take me a while, because sometimes people use variant versions of the titles. Haven't decided if I want to list the character tags too.
(Considering how often I browse Japanese sites, it's a wonder I haven't taken the time to learn it...)


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
I wrote an essay for my English final that went far too deep, I think I might share it in a blog here if I ever get a copy back of it. ;)
Aug 18, 2009
I am currently being sick. It sucks. At least it's not as bad as it was the past few days where I was stuck in bed all day with a hurting stomach and a sinus headache, where now I just have a cold.

Aw, I hope you feel better soon, Kylie. :)

And I am just listening to Japanese music and crafting a possible list of roles in case peeps want to change to something else for the story.


i never knew daylight could be so violent.
Apr 12, 2012
somewhere, I suppose.
a mystery inside of an enigma wrapped in a soft fuzzy blanket of I don't even know what
I slipped and fell while getting the mail this morning. Don't worry, I'm quite fine -- the snow was powdery and deep enough to cushion the impact.

I was going to go out, but considering how slick it is and factoring in the road and weather conditions (six inches of snow by the end of the day, and two more by tonight), today is a good day to stay inside and play some Pokémon. And that's precisely what I'm going to do.

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