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Breath of the Wild What concerns me about BOTW

Feb 23, 2014
What Nintendo has showed us so far all looks amazing, but what concerns me is what they haven't shown us. I'm mainly referring to dungeons. We haven't seen a single second of dungeon footage yet. This is disconcerting because dungeon play has always been a main emphasis in 3D Zelda reveals. I get that they are trying to emphasize the whole open world aspect of the game and that's great, but i'm a guy who's always believed that dungeons are what makes Zelda games, well, Zelda games. To me, some of the best moments in Zelda games are entering the new dungeons and taking in the unique atmosphere, music, puzzles etc. So yeah, it really bothers me that we haven't seen any dungeons at all.
Sep 21, 2014
They probably just don't want to spoil any surprises. They've talked about the dungeons a fair bit, I'm sure they just don't want the internet prediction machines to give too much away or figure stuff out too soon. As Zeltik showed, it doesn't take much of a clue in order to have stuff figured out.

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
Actually, I'm glad that they haven't shown us much of anything. When Skyward Sword came out, they revealed new things left and right. By the time the game released, they had revealed all of the major areas and challenges and kept hinting that there was more. After playing the game I was left very disappointed because I expected there to be more. They kept the hype going for the game by showing off rather than just teasing, leaving the game unsatisfying.

I'm hoping this time that they keep holding their cards close to their chest and let us discover and talk about things as we play the game. I really think that they are being smarter in their advertising by not showing off the dungeons, and whatever else they are still keeping secret. It helps preserve whatever wow factor they have for our enjoyment later.

Azure Sage

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We have, just not with any context.





The Four Sheikah Beasts are the dungeons, and I'm very certain those scenes from the trailer take place inside one of them. That's all we've seen of them so far.
Jan 18, 2017
We have, just not with any context.





The Four Sheikah Beasts are the dungeons, and I'm very certain those scenes from the trailer take place inside one of them. That's all we've seen of them so far.
I still pray for at least two more "main dungeons" aside from main four based on all the speculation/info we have. They don't have to be totally related to the main four. Some may not agree, but I still believe there's something of critical importance in all six provinces outside of Hyrule. 4 main dungeons and repetitive 120 shrine trials won't get it done for me. I hope I'm proven wrong in terms of making the game awesome. Who knows if the other side quests will have that "fun" factor. I really hope the world is not too empty.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Actually, I'm glad that they haven't shown us much of anything. When Skyward Sword came out, they revealed new things left and right. By the time the game released, they had revealed all of the major areas and challenges and kept hinting that there was more. After playing the game I was left very disappointed because I expected there to be more. They kept the hype going for the game by showing off rather than just teasing, leaving the game unsatisfying.

I'm hoping this time that they keep holding their cards close to their chest and let us discover and talk about things as we play the game. I really think that they are being smarter in their advertising by not showing off the dungeons, and whatever else they are still keeping secret. It helps preserve whatever wow factor they have for our enjoyment later.

I think this is a lesson video game marketeers are starting to learn all over. For years the marketing dept MO has been to hype every facet of the game, reveal every level, every set piece moment, entire character profiles, major plot developments up to and including the entire plot. It's no wonder gamers are disappoint when they finish the game and realize that they already saw all of it before it was even released - doubly true when the game has a ****ty ending (*cough* me3 *cough*)


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I'm in the camp that sometimes they show too much. All we need is a teaser. I know that in an age of short attention spans, they have to keep releasing new info in order to keep our tiny-and-ever-shrinking-brains captivated, but man, sometimes they show too much.

Going back and seeing how much they revealed about Xenoblade X, I think they showed WAY too much. I was strong enough to not read up on the info, and so far I've been strong enough to not look up too much stuff about BOTW, but I still think they should just give us teasers instead of full reveals.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I don't think they've shown enough and i think that should be the problem, but it isn't. With BotW, everything Nintendo has done has been the perfect little cocktease. From the music transitioning or ending abruptly (see e3 reveal trailer, and life in the ruins trailer), to scenes jumping around when **** really starts to get good (switch presentation). Even their newest "trailers" are just voiceless, music-less gameplay scenes stitched together witb E3 music overlayed.

And...the thing is...I want more. It isn't just because it's a new Zelda, in fact I'd say its more because the **** theyve put out is genuinely intriguing.

So I'm not worried at all. I already know what my main problems with the game are, why they exist, and that I'm powerless to stop them.

1) Zelda's design
It's to attract the attention of the little vegetarian kiddies in Japan. They gotta 'bait to their epic powerless moe gurl. Nothing I can fo about it, Zelda is a Japanese game for Japanese playerd primarily.

2) combat too slow



Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I hope the game will be better than SS. When we saw a lot of things in SS it seemed all so pretty well and stuff. But personally I was disappointed. Fortunately I haven't watched anything BotW related besides the trailers. I like to be surprised and figure things out on my own. The only concern I have with BotW is that it has so many expectations. People are already assuming it's going to be one of the best Zelda games they ever played. I certainly hope it won't be another let down. But on the other hand; it's normal for people to have high expectations of a game before release. That's also the fun in gaming :D
I dont really have any concerns. There hasnt been anything I've seen so far that I dislike, which hasnt happened since Wind Waker and WW is not only my favourite Zelda game by a large margin but my favourite game of all time. I was excited for WW's release but I'm far more hyped up for BotW so things are looking good and I just may have a new favourite Zelda game...

Any concerns i have lie with me and not the game. Ive got 22 days to avoid spoilers, theories and reviews, unlike SS where we saw damn near the whole game and had it ruined for us, i fear that instead of having seen too much of BotW, i actually know too much.

I saw the translated Master Edition Calamity Ganon map and now know the game's backstory, I now know how many giant Guardians there are too...

This worries me because BotW is about piecing the past together. I dont want the revelation of BoTW to be the translation of the Calamity map. I still love the backstory (if what ive heard is correct) and i'm sure seeing it play out will be excitng as hell but still, its something i know that the game may have been using as a massive piece of the puzzle... i just hope that the Calamity map translation is played in an intro like WW and SS or comes in early.

Though this is just one part of a long story, I'm sure there'll be a lot more to sink my teeth into. I just dont want the story spoiled for botw as opposed to the locations in SS being spoiled.

As far as dungeons go, i'm an overworld girl, i just hope the new main 4 dungeons are unique enough... i think they will be. Though i wonder how different theyll feel from Shrines.
Last edited:
Jan 3, 2016
I am totally fine with just four main dungeons. Majora's Mask shows how, as long as they are all unique and interesting, and the rest of the game has enough content, that this is no problem.
As what we heard about them, they do seem to be a super unique type of structure you have to solve to reach the goal. I prefer four of these over seven Skyward Sword types of puzzle gauntlets that were in that game.
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I'm concerned with the fact that most things seem to be optional in regards to getting the end credits. Especially the apparently optional story. In Fallout 4 the main quest became an afterthought as everything else distracted from it and I eventually put the game down because I didn't care about the main quest anymore and stopped due to boredom rather than because of the game ending. So far Zelda has been very good with delivering it's stories and I hope this one continues that trend.
Jan 13, 2017
I'm just hoping we have more than just 4 dungeons to navigate and fight bosses for. This is the thing that disappointed me with Majora's Mask and Wind Waker. You'd get 4 Heart Containers from bosses in those games, and the rest of your Hearts required you to really hunt and take on some strange out-of-the-way sidequests/mini-games to collect the rest. I mean, sure, that's cool because it makes us go out and look for what we need to survive for longer periods of time before hunting for hearts/fairies, but then again it's still too early to tell how our Heart meter is going to grow... Heart Containers from bosses, will that still be a thing? Heart Pieces out in the world and hidden in Shrines? Or is our Heart meters going to be tied to our equipment and the buffs we get from cooking exotic foods? I can wait to see how all this will play out.


The game is on!
This is the thing that disappointed me with Majora's Mask and Wind Waker. You'd get 4 Heart Containers from bosses in those games, and the rest of your Hearts required you to really hunt and take on some strange out-of-the-way sidequests/mini-games to collect the rest.

In Wind Waker you actually get six Heart Containers from defeating bosses, and in my opinion six is without a doubt a worthy number. Even the four dungeons we were treated with in Majora's Mask were great because of how deep and unique each of them were. If we get four amazing dungeons and a vast and fun overworld in BotW I will be more than happy. :)
Jan 13, 2017
Oh wow... ok that was a horrible, horrible mistake... I forgot to factor in Helmaroc King and Gohdan... whoops! I dunno why my brain always defaults and thinks Dragon Roost, Forbidden Forest, Earth and Wind Temple are the only dungeons you fight bosses in that give Heart Containers... I always seem to forget the Tower of the Gods for some reason... anyway, thanks for pointing that out for me @Pendio.
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