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What Changes to the Series Would Ruin Zelda for You?

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and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
Obviously we are all here for our love of Zelda and anxiously await each and every sequel,sometimes they are great, sometimes not so much. Nintendo has made a few changes to the series in the past that fans were not completely satisfied with. And some changes were hated by a majority of the fans. The Spirit Train being the most common, cell shading was another that caused many fans to complain. The side scrolling style of Adventure of Link still causes problems for people even today.

However even when there are unwanted additions made to the games many can still get around that and play a Zelda game. Even come to like it in spite of it's flaws. But what would actually ruin a future game for you? What would Nintendo add that might actually have you questioning if you want to even try it? Or just decide that you are not going to bother?

Azure Sage

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If they EVER Make a MODERN Zelda Game like with guns cars ect. I WILL KILL MY SELF! Not really but i will be mad

Amen, brother.

Another thing that would ruin it for me would be if they made Tingle the partner character. *shivers*. Seriously, I didn't mind him so much in MM, but after WW.... *shivers again* If I ever have to hear "Mr. Fairy!!!" again, it will be way too soon.
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ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴅɪsᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀs
Jun 23, 2010
Herts, England
Off the top of my head the only thing I can really think of would be guns within the games. I mean logically, if those were introduced then there would be no need for a sword until the final battle or something similar.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
The simple answer for me would have to be changes that deviates so far from the normal formula of a Zelda game that I can't recognize it outside of the main characters. I'm not against any changes to the character roster as long as the game feels like a Zelda game and still revolves around recognizable events that fit the Zelda plotline. Also, you'd have to release games like the first one multiple times. The first time would be a failed experiment, and I would trust Nintendo enough to not do something like that again if it bombs. If it doesn't bomb... well, I'd have to wait and see.
Nov 29, 2010
Well changes like no anon or Zelda anymore.
Using guns.
No more puzzles which the series is famous for.
Changing it to where you no longer see link like the way metroid prime is.
Having no more Death Mountain.


Taking out loads of weapons like the bow and arrows.
He no longer wears the green tunic and just wears normal clothes.
They bring in blood when you kill enemies.


Fierce Deity
May 10, 2011
Cork, Ireland
I was slightly perturbed by the Spirit Train, but I got over it, and I really enjoyed the game once I saw past it. I absolutely LOVE each of the cel-shaded games.

If Zelda dropped the middle-age 'feel' of the game, I'd be lost for words. Especially if it became some futuristic bastardization of the series... But let's pray to Eldin that doesn't happen.


Link x Zelda
Feb 7, 2011
If they change the protagonist from Link to another (new) character.

The simple answer for me would have to be changes that deviates so far from the normal formula of a Zelda game that I can't recognize it outside of the main characters. I'm not against any changes to the character roster as long as the game feels like a Zelda game and still revolves around recognizable events that fit the Zelda plotline.

Exactly. Like, I don't mind a few changes that don't affect the series that much, but if they do stuff like change the protagonists, Link and Zelda, I would be VERY mad. I would also be quite pissed if they added STUPID modern stuff like guns, cars, all mentioned above. If they gave voices to the characters such as they do in Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, I'm still debating on how I would feel. It seems cool, but it seems too different. I think it would change the series too much from what it is, change it from how we all love it. I'm honestly not a fan of huge changes. I grew up with my Mom playing Zelda, the series has always been in my life and I love it too much to see it changed a lot from how it is now. But if they're really tiny changes, I wouldn't mind all that much unless they affected the game a lot.

Zelda is how it is and I love it just the way it is.


Jan 19, 2011
Any severe alterations to the field and dungeon formula we've grown to love. Think about it, it's been here ever since '86, when The Legend of Zelda released on the Fiacom. Another thing I hope Nintendo never changes, is NO VOICE ACTING! If Nintendo wanted to, I'm sure that they could pull off voice acting extremely well, but the way it is now, it makes the game feel like stories from a fairytale book...
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